Selectboard Meeting Minutes 11/09/2021

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Tuesday, Nov 09, 2021, at 6:30 PM



Attendance: Larry Southard-Chair, Gary Thomas, Terry Gould, Brandi Page, Dan Hamill and Derek Poirier. Via Zoom- Diane Dyer, Lyn O’Brien, Jim Crandall, Phil McGovern, Gail Gelburd, Roberta Sarnacki, Geoffrey Pigman, Joel Meyers, Diane Provenz, & Chris Bouchard.


Call to Order:

6:30 PM


Approval for Minutes: The Board reviewed minutes from 9/30, 10/12, 10/25, 10/26, 11/02. Gary asked that 9/30 be amended as he was not in attendance. The rest were all approved as written.


Drainage Issue/Highway Dept: Derek was in attendance to discuss a letter from the Hommes in regard to drainage/debris on their property off West Center Road before it meets Tyringham Road. The deep drainage cuts have been there at least 20 years to accommodate runoff. Derek said gravel has settled a good 60-80 feet in some spots in the cuts on the property. The road is narrow and there is limited space for the water to go. Without the cuts significant runoff would continue toward and undermine Tyringham Road. Derek said the clean out the cuts deep every 5 or 6 years. This year was one of those years. The Board decided it would be best for Derek to meet with them initially and have a discussion. Derek is going to set that up.


Public Works Feasibility Study: We received three proposals for the Highway Garage Feasibility study. After ranking them according to the criteria Weston & Sampson was chosen as the most advantageous. There were no questions. Motion was made, seconded and passed to award the project to Weston & Sampson.


Highway Compensation: An employee at the Highway Department requested that the Board continue to consider a differential for longevity and or licenses. Brandi explained how these things sometimes work in other Towns that have unions. Larry Southard felt that although the licenses are a requirement when we hire there is a value to it. It was also discussed there are a few changes that will be suggested for the personnel policy. Derek is going to research what other towns in the area are paying. Brandi mentioned that if the Town is willing to hire without the license and support the cost of getting it then perhaps a onetime amount for having the license could be given. The Board is going to continue discussion on this at a later meeting and into budget discussions.


Appointment to the Historic Commission:  Joel Meyers was unanimously appointed to the vacancy on the Historic Commission.


Police Staffing: The Board accepted Dan Hamill’s resignation with 45 day notice. It’s Dan’s intention to stay on with the department in different capacity. Larry made a statement that we will begin searching for a new Chief. Dan will be appointed acting Chief if someone hasn’t been hired by the time the 45 days is up. Dan, Brandi and Larry had met to look at job descriptions and talk about staffing. Some things will be finalized as the process plays out.


Review & Approval of Warrants: Warrants are on the table for signature.


Selectboard Topics not reasonably anticipated: The Board considered the terms the applicant for the Facilities Administrator had come back with form the job offer. Motion was made, seconded, and approved to agree to two weeks’ vacation and salary at $70,000.



7:24 PM