Building Inspector


Larry Gould
Building Commissioner

Gary Danko

Building Inspector

Address: One North Main Road, Box 237, Otis, MA 01253
Phone:  cell 413-207-4027, office 413-269-0100 x 132
Email: [email protected]
Online Permitting through PermitEyes below.  You Must Be Registered on The Otis Site to login
Additional LinksInspectorsSpecialty InspectorsInformation
Larry GouldInspector of Buildings
Gary Danko
Building Inspector
Specialty InspectorsNamePhone
Plumbing/GasBrian Middleton413 269 7269
Jay Reynolds860 798 2578
Asst. Wire InspectorRobert Kimberly

Zoning Bylaw amendments were passed on October 10, 2011 that have implications for the issuance of building permits. Relaxed setback requirements for nonconforming single and two family residential structures were approved by a vote of the townspeople and by the Commonwealths Attorney General. on March 1, 2012. The effective date of approval is October 10, 2011. Section 3.3.5 (1) states: . New construction, alteration or renovation of, but not limited to, a deck, porch, patio, entryway, addition, attached garage, garden shed or accessory building provided the proposed work provides the minimum front setback of twenty-five (25’) feet, and the side and rear setbacks not less than fifteen (15’) feet from the lot line. Front setback is to be measured from the street right-of-way line where a plan of the way is on file with the Registry of Deeds, or in absence of such plan from a line which begins twenty-five (25’) feet from and parallel with the center line of the right-of-way. If you have questions or concerns please call at 413-269-0100 x110, 413-207-4027 or email me at [email protected]

Massachusetts State Building Codes in force at this time. 9th Edition

IRC 2015  International Residential Code 2012 with Mass Amendments.

IBC 2015   International Building Code 2012 with Mass Amendments.

IMC 2012  International Mechanical Code 2012

IECC 2018  International Energy Conservation Code 2018