Library Meeting Minutes 05/14/2020

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Otis Library Museum Meeting – Minutes

Thursday, May 14, 2020 -6:00 PM*

  • Meeting was held remotely in accordance with MA Open Meeting Law


Members present -Celeste Watman, Diane Dyer, Donna Rich, Jane Feldman, Kathy Bort, Lois Hall, Sue Brofman, Jim Adams and Susan Ebitz

Chair Diane Dyer called the meeting to order at 6:08.

The May Minutes were unanimously approved.


In giving the treasurer’s report, Kathy shared that we haven’t received the reimbursement from the town from the state grant or the monies promised to reimburse John Charrow for instruction. Sue reported that she will follow-up with the town.


Director’s Report: submitted by Kathleen Bort

Directors report   May 2020


At this time the library has been closed since mid-March. Mail has been picked up weekly and the

bills have been paid thru April 15. The warrant check was received today and deposited.

 Reopening the Library Proposal – Kathy has submitted the following proposal to town officials & trustees. Town officials found all acceptable following two concerns:

  1. Capacity too high and needs to be reduced from 15. (suggest that it be changed to 10)
  2. Add statement that areas will be wiped down after each patron use. (It was suggested that we add this statement)

REOPENING the OTIS Library & Museum

Waiting to hear from Gov. Baker as to what can open during Phase 1

Re opening plans are contingent upon:

  1. Gov. release   2. Trustees approval   3.  Town approval

Tasks to do prior to opening

  • Meet with librarians, share concerns, suggestions, tasks, schedules, etc.
  • Consolidate materials
  • Set up rules, regulations, traffic pattern
  • Process returns
  • Catalog new materials
  • Determine schedule including hours for preparation, and special time for certain populations. This may require setting up pick up schedules.

Video chat with Berkshire library directors:

FIRST PHASE                                              

Many libraries have to bring in furloughed staff back first. All libraries will have curb pick up during what they call first phase which will last for a period of time.  No patrons will be allowed into the library during this curb/remote ordering time. Delivery and CWMARS processing will be postponed for at least two weeks. The staff will continue to work during the regular winter hours, but the library will be open to the public for four hours on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and for two hours on Saturday. In accepting the Director’s Report, Diane thanked Kathy and Lois for their work and suggested that we continue to move slowly.




Second phase will allow limited admittance into the library. It has not been determined as to when this phase will start. Number of people, time and areas of the library available will be determined. There will be no loitering or special programs during this time.


Is to be determined and will allow more people to use the library during normal library hours.


  • Jimmy will install a protective plexi-glass sheet
  • All staff will wear facemasks, practice social distance, wear gloves when handling. We have ordered 50 disposable masks from Amazon for our patrons
  • Disinfectant
  • ng material – 1:10 bleach solution as germs have a shelf life of 24 hours
  • Spray disinfectant, and wipes will be used. Some libraries have ordered from Zogicss.


STAFF Management – Staff Anxiety and Restrictions will receive the utmost attention

Next Session with area librarians takes place on May 21.



Unfinished Business:


  • Due to most events being shut down, Donna made a motion that was seconded by Jane to cancel the Library Fair scheduled for July 11th. The motion passed unanimously with little discussion. Kathy will notify Brandi; Lois will inform the four vendors and Susan E. will take the event off the town calendar and cancel reservations made for the facility.
  • Patty Strauch outlined and offered to check on applying for a loan through the CARES Act that could potentially cover 10 weeks of payroll and utilities. The funds ran out in the first round and the library was automatically entered in the second round.


New Business:

Other Fundraising Ideas:

  • Jane proposed face masks, saturation was discussed
  • Sue B. and Diane mapped out a route for the 5k Road Race
  • Diane brought up a return of the “Duck Race”
  • Jim suggested setting up a “Go Fund Me” page on Facebook
  • All decided to encourage patrons to “give what you can” to the library with no official mailing of the annual appeal at this time.


The motion to adjourn the regular meeting was made by Jim and seconded by Diane at 7:18 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary


Next Meeting: June 11, 2020 – agenda items due: 6/6/20