Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 05/16/2018




Attendees: Jeanne Randorf, Arlene Tolopko, Deb Fogel, Ilisa Sulner, Vicki Ernst, Robert Turnbough, Shanon Albee, Mary Jo Engels

Absentees: Carol Lombardo, Diane Provenz, Mary Anne Cicchillo


  1. Meeting was called to order at 6:10PM


  1. Arlene Tolopko made a motion to accept the minutes of April 18, 2018. Minutes approved.


III. Reports

  1. Financial Report – postponed until next meeting.
  2. Chair reports
  3. Jeanne Randorf and Vicki Ernst are now non-voting members. They will reapply to become voting members.
  4. Community survey will be taken at Sup-N-Swing.
  5. Feedback from recent events
  6. FREES photography exhibit will be moving from the school this month to the Otis library.
  7. Water color workshop went well.
  8. Thanks-a-Bunch lunch went well.
  9. Upcoming events
  10. Tag sale – Ads have been placed in local papers. Flyers have been distributed.

Fee will be $10 for residents, $15 for non-residents

Arlene Tolopko will collect fees from vendors when they arrive and help with setup.

Robert Turnbough will assist with breakdown at the end of the sale.

  1. Sup-N-Swing will be held June 16th at 6 PM. A vote was taken by the committee regarding placing an ad for the event in the Otis Gazette. Since an ad was already in the Otis Observer, the vote was no.
  2. Campfire singalong –August 4, 4:00PM. This is a library event that we are supporting.
  3. Square Dance – August 18th at the Otis firehouse at 6:00PM.
  4. Arts Festival – September 1 9:00AM-3:00PM at the Farmington River school. Eighteen crafters have responded to date.
  5. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15PM

Next meeting will be on June20, 2018 @ 600PM.


Respectfully submitted:

Mary Jo Engels, Recording secretary.