All Board Minutes 06/27/2016

Town of Otis
All Boards Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2016


The meeting was called to order by Don Hawley at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall conference room. It was announced the meeting was being recorded.

Present: Select Board Chairwoman Roberta Sarnacki, Selectman Bill Hiller, Chris Morris, Sandy Pinkham, Jeanne Randorf, Derek Poirier, and Michael Ernst


Cultural Council: Jeanne reported the Otis Arts Festival has been moved to October and will still be held at the school. Other than the published activities, the Council will be quiet for awhile.

Fire Dept.: Sandy has had light calls this month. They have assisted the Rescue Squad on medical calls. The new fire truck is expected to be delivered the end of July and the old truck will be traded in. So far, the Knox Trail Inn has been in compliance with their Entertainment license notifications.

Highway: Derek had the Swanson rep out to look at the Western Star truck that has the issues. They will take it and repair it at no charge and it appears to be a “one off” issue since no one else has this problem. They spent about $3000 on repairs to the grader due to corrosion, and all raods have been now been graded. The International needed new brakes which cost about $4000. The beaver deceiver worked on Merritt Road until the beavers crossed the road and moved down further. Both new trucks have been ordered and the pickup should be here in about another month. Stumps were removed and TriTown Paving will be doing the Church/Library/Rec Center parking lot. Chapter 90 paperwork for West Center and Pearl Roads has been filed and it can be advertised when the paperwork comes back. Gravel has been removed from roadsides, roadside mowing is ongoing, patching has been done, and roads are going to be swept tomorrow morning.

Planning Board: Complete Streets and TAC are ongoing discussions.

Finance Board: Nothing going on.

Energy: Moving along with turbine.

Zoning Board: One person was interested in the Otis Reservoir situation. The auction was not held. There was only one guy who was there to bid on the property.

The Library Fair will be held July 9th.

Police Dept.: Calls have been steady. The cruisers have had to go in for maintenance. The Expedition had brake problems that have been repaired and the cruiser had an electrical issue around Memorial Day weekend which the dealer fixed. Sgt. Hamill is leaving his full time job with us, but will stay on with us part-time. He is taking a full time job with MCLA and will be with us full time through July. We have a couple of officers filling his duties while he is still available for cross training.

Technology: We should hear this week or next week at the latest about our portion of the MBI money. And we got the grant to rewire the entire Town Hall for data.

Tom Nadolny will be conducting another Firearms Class on Sunday, July 24, 2016.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio
Selectmen’s Secretary
Town of Otis



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