Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 11/28/2018

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Minutes of the OCC Meeting

November 28 2018


  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:15PM

Attendees – Arlene Tolopko, Jeanne Randorf, Deb Fogel, Mary Jo Engels, Shanon Albee

Absentees – Vicky Ernst, Carol Lombardo, Ilisa Sulner.

  1. Minutes of November 14, 2018 were approved.

III. Financial update was given by Shanon Albee and accepted.

  1. Final voting on 2019 grant applications
  2. Green Art Workshop – Has the support of teachers of Muddy Brook Elementary and the

Railroad Street Youth Project.. The committee voted yes for a grant.

  1. John Root – Committee will offer a grant of $200 for his project sponsored by the Council

on Aging.

  1. David Malouf – Committee voted for a grant for his Ukelele Workshop to be sponsored by

the Otis Library.

  1. Other grants remain as previously voted.
  2. Discussion regarding events to be held in 2019.
  3. Isaac Walton venue – Arlene Tolopko will check on whether the OCC can hold an event at

Isaak Walton Field. Decisions regarding venue and entertainment will be left to the

Celebrations Committee.

  1. Lengthy discussion regarding Craft Fair date took place. It was decided to contact FRRES

regarding the possibility of holding the fair on July 27 or August 3.  Deb and Carol will set

the date and contact vendors. Deb will contact Ernie to reserve his hot dog vending

cart.  Jeanne will contact Richard Hamelin (Pied Potter Hamelin about coming on the date chose to do pottery demonstration at the fair.


  1. Other Business – The extra flower barrels were picked up by Jm Crandall and stored for the


Meeting dates were distributed for 2019. Jeanne will reserve the meeting room and

distribute the dates to members.


Meeting adjourned at 7:05PM


Next meeting March 20, 2019 at 6:00PM in the Town Hall Inspector’s office.