Selectboard Meeting Minutes 09/13/2022

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 6:30 PM


This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend. A remote option is offered via zoom with the link provided below.

Please note that while an option for remote participation is being provided as a courtesy, the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast, unless otherwise required by law. Anyone with interest in any specific item should plan in person attendance.


Topic: Selectboard

Time: Sep 13, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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Attendance: Larry Southard-Chair, Gary Thomas, Terry Gould, Brandi Page, Celeste Watman, Alice Gray, Kristina Moretz, Michael Moretz & Tammy Weidhaas. On Zoom- Phil Magovern and Eric Kreis.


Call to Order: 6:30 PM


Approval of Minutes: The minutes from 8/23 & 8/29 were approved as written.


November Election: Lyn asked the Board to approve the early voting hours for the Nov 8th Election. Gary read the hours for the record. Larry made a motion to approve, Gary seconded and motion passed unanimously.


Town Hall Paving: Brandi stated the paving was set to start on Monday Sep 26th and that Town Hall will be closed to the public that week. We are paving both driveways and the parking lot. Maintenance has worked through the summer to improve drainage prior to the repaving. Fitness classes are cancelled for the week and food pantry is being held at an alternate location. Notices are on the website and a robocall will go out.


Transfer Station Hours: Eric has asked that this item be tabled.


Surplus: The surplus fiber listed on municibid did not meet the set minimum. Some reconciling of the reels is being done and this will be relisted in the near future.


Personnel Policy Updates: Larry made a motion to continue until Oct 11th so the Board can spend time reviewing the proposed amendments. Gary seconded, motion passed unanimously.


Bylaw Updates: Brief discussion that Planning had again reviewed the final draft of the Wireless Communication bylaw that had been recommended by the Selectboard. Larry made a motion to recommend the Planning Board move this draft, which hasn’t been changed, to Public Hearing. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. The Short Term rental bylaw is still being drafted so that item was tabled.


Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.


Not Anticipated: Brandi announced we have welcomed Candy Chaffee to our team and very excited to have her working with us. Terry updated that the bank is open. Some things are by appointment still but the drive through is open normal hours. The Moretz voiced their frustration over the constant use of air brakes on Algerie Road. It is typically 10 wheelers and loaded trucks coming from the quarry. Discussion about the best way to legally handle this and minimize the noise impact. Tammy offered to have officers start with checking the speed these trucks are traveling at. These brakes are a safety mechanism of the truck and there can be complications with restricting them. The police have a new facebook page and we have gotten tons of positive feedback on the increased police presence in Town.


Adjournment: 6:59