Selectboard Meeting Minutes 02/22/2022

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, at 6:30 PM



This meeting is being conducted remotely through Zoom.

Pursuant to the Governor’s March 12, 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, Sec 18, this meeting is being held via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Every effort is being made to ensure that any member of the public may access the meeting in real time, via technological means. Agendas will be amended to show the link and participation code to access the meeting no sooner than 48 hours before. Recordings are kept for the sole purpose of drafting minutes and are available by request.



Topic: Selectboard

Time: Feb 22, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Attendance: Chair Larry Southard, Gary Thomas, Terry Gould, Brandi Page, Keith O’Neil, Mark Bergeron, Ken Packie & Ilona Packie. On Zoom- Acaruso, Kathy Couch, Suzanne Bergeron, Phil McGovern, Dennis Freed, Joel Meyers, OPT, Roberta Sarnacki, & Celeste Watman.


Call to Order: 6:30 PM


Approval of Minutes: The minutes from Feb 8th were approved as written.


WWTP Back-up Staffing: Keith updated the Board on staffing at the WWTP. He has hired Josh Roberts as a licensed independent contractor to cover weekend shifts that became uncovered when Jim Crandall retired. Keith has updated his staffing plan with DEP and Josh will be invoicing us monthly.


East Otis Schoolhouse Contract: The contract had been reviewed by admin and Town Counsel. Larry made a motion to approve the agreement, Terry Seconded and it was unanimously approved. The agreement was signed.


Shared Police Chief Agreement: The final draft had been executed by the Becket Select Board. Larry made a motion to approve the agreement. Gary seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board members signed the agreement. Larry made a motion to appoint Kris McDonough Police Chief with a term expiring June 30, 2022. Terry seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Pole Petition, 1184 Stebbins Road: Eversource was not present for the petition. Larry made a motion to table the petition until our next meeting. Motion was seconded and passed.


Noise Ordinance: Dennis Freed questioned why Otis does not have a noise ordinance and suggested the Board look into establishing one. He felt strongly that Sunday should be enjoyed without the interference of loud noise and machinery. Gary clarified the Town already has noise ordinance that covers 11pm – 7 am 7 days a week, perhaps it needs to be expanded. Terry felt Dennis should start with a citizen petition. Dennis said he was bringing it to the Board but would not pursue it on his own further. Larry said possibly we need to amend the current ordinance. Larry made a motion to revisit this topic in the future. Motion seconded and passed.


Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.


Not Anticipated: Mark Couch expressed his concerns about the condition of Algerie Road and asked what the Town’s plans were to pave it. Brandi stated it is at the top of our list for roads and that we are hoping to apply for a STRAP grant to help with the project. Larry thanked him for updating us on the condition.


Adjournment: 7:12 PM