School Committee Meeting Minutes 01/03/2022

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Farmington River Regional School District

Farmington River Elementary School

555 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253

Via ZOOM Meeting #410

Monday January 3, 2022, 7:00PM




Attendance:  Carol Lombardo (chair), Jennifer Hibbins (vice-chair), Jess Drenga, Carl Nett, Arlene Tolopko, Roger Kohler, and Deb Fogel


The meeting was called to order by Carol Lombardo at 7:00 P.M.


Community Participation:  Denise Hardy from Otis spoke about past minutes. She offered to share her experience with writing minutes with the School Committee.

  1. Vote to approve minutes #408 and #409. Arlene Tolopko motioned to approve the #408 and #409 minutes. Deb Fogel seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.


  1. Principal/Superintendent updates. Tom Nadolny spoke about the first snow day. Otis and Sandisfield DPW’s recommended the day off. Tom relies on the departments when deciding to cancel or delay school. This extends the school year by another day.


Tom mentioned a couple of facts:

Current enrollment is 117 students. There are 114 students in person and 3

students remote due to medical waivers.


Covid overview. There are two students out who tested positive over the break,

and one student who was in close contact with a person with covid. None of the

cases were involving school since the students were on break. Tom spoke about

the new state guidelines concerning the distribution of rapid tests for staff. N95

masks were given to the school for all staff members.


After school activities have been postponed with the coming back to school after break. Tom would like to wait two weeks to see if the number of covid cases increase before returning to extra-curricular programs. He would rather see the students come back and be healthy for academics.


Attendance letters were sent out to parents whose children have been excessively absent that were non-covid related. Tom is concerned because the school is graded on our students’ attendance.


A suggestion was made to Tom if reteaching or demonstrating the proper way to wear a mask can be done.


A question to Tom about the bus that caught on fire in December was brought up. Tom reached out to Dufour and was told there was nothing wrong with the bus, the brakes were recently repaired. The fault seems to come from riding the brakes too much.


  1. Financial updates and discussion on the FY23 budget expenditures only. Eric Jesner talked about merging our OPEB contract with Berkshire Hills for a long-term savings. The School Committee agrees with the merge.

Eric discussed the FY23 school budget with the School Committee. minutes). The discussion was based on expenditures and capital expenditures only. (A copy of the expenditures is attached to the minutes.)

  1. Finalize and vote on the District Plan Goals. Jess Drenga motioned to approve the finalizing of the District Plan Goals. Deb Fogel seconded the motion. A discussion occurred about adding a goal for science to the goal plan. The vote was unanimous with approving the District Plan Goals.


  1. Discussion on the Regional Agreement between Sandisfield and Otis. The School Committee discussed the request by Steven Seddon to amend the Regional Agreement. Carol Lombardo asked the Committee members to email her individually if they would like to vote on amending the Regional Agreement in February’s meeting.


  1. Jess Drenga motioned to adjourn the meeting and Arlene seconded the motion. The vote was unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,


Teresa DellaGiustina, School Committee Secretary
