Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes 02/16/2023

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Recreation Commission
Thursday, February 16, 2023 @ 6:00PM
Otis Town Hall, 1 North Main Road


Meeting called by & time: Jennifer Catolane, 6:04 PM
Meeting facilitated by: Jennifer Catolane
Board Members Present: Jennifer Catolane, Dana Pustinger, Wendy Peterson, Robin Martin, Kelly Kennedy
Board Members Absent: None
Others Present: None

1. Introductions. None needed.

2. Review and approval of prior meeting(s) minutes. Approved January 19, 2023, meeting minutes.

3. Accounting.
a. FY23 Budget balance. Lee Audio bill questioned at last meeting was for building alarm.

b. FY23 Revolving balance. Reviewed, no questions.

4. FY24 Budget Proposal. Sent budget to Brandi, meeting with finance committee and selectboard will be Thursday March 2, 2023 at 6pm – Dana and Jennifer plan to attend.

5. Programs.
a. In-Person Classes/Programs.
i. Chair Yoga with Connie Wilson, Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00AM. No updates.
ii. Mat Yoga with Connie Wilson, Saturdays, 9:30AM-10:45AM. No updates.

b. Other Programs.
i. Funz Trampoline Park jump passes. 4 passes left, purchased 10 more.
ii. Ski helmet surplus. No more sold since last meeting – post again on Facebook.
iii. Otis Ridge Ski Voucher Program. 17 vouchers distributed so far – post again on Facebook.
iv. Snowman Contest. No update – need snow!
v. Easter Egg Hunt, tentatively Saturday April 1st. Event starts at 10am. Review event flyer to be posted. Need to purchase is candy to fill the eggs and bags for the goodies. Separate section for ages 3 and under, need to purchase signs to mark designated age areas and cones and caution tape to separate. 9am arrival to setup event.
vi. Bike helmet surplus. Discussed future of bike safety event.

6. Community Survey – Google forms. No update.

7. Memos. Email from Lynn at Sandisfield Rec to let us know of dates they have events planned, March 11th and April 22nd.

8. Old Business. None.

9. New Business. COA has new fitness resistance band party, decided by selectboard to use recreation funds, this was not run by the recreation commissioners.

10. Set next meeting date – March 16th 6pm.

11. Adjourn. 6:51pm

Respectfully submitted by: Jennifer Catolane
Submitted to: Town Clerk