Otis Library Minutes June 8, 2023

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Otis Library Minutes
June 8, 2023, 6:00 PM
Otis Library

Members present: Jim Adams, Diane Dyer, Susan Ebitz, Lois Hall, Brad Havill, Gloria Mamokhin , Carol Reife, Donna Rich. Absent: Sue Brofman, Tom Burke, and Celeste Watman, Guest: Rosy Crittendon, Friend of Otis Library
Susan Ebitz called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the June Minutes was made by Gloria, seconded by Diane and unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s reports: The Treasurer’s Report was tabled due to the absence of the treasurer.

Directors Report: June 2023
• Attendance: Has gone up. The daily average is about 20, with some being over 30 I have been
assured that this is just the beginning! We have had several new users – one/day this week.
• Ordering: After floundering a little bit, we managed to get into ingram. I have been working on
switching things over from Kathy, but Ingram has very short hours in which they will “answer”
the phone and they are horrible at calling back. However, it is getting adjusted, and an order is
going out.
• ILL: Yesterday we had 3 bins come in, we seem to be around 4 bins/week
I was able to speak with MBLC and have them list me as director of the library and remove
Kathy as director. Those were things that needed to be submitted in writing. Every time a
director leaves, MBLC needs to be notified.
• I have also had a CWMARS meeting with Jeannette Lundgren (the executive director). I
attended an amplifund meeting on Wednesday, not that really understand it yet. I have the
ARIS workshop tomorrow, so that I can begin working on the annual report.
• I have a Building Support Meeting with MBLC next Wednesday.
I am planning on attending the CWMARS Users Council in person on June 20 th in Palmer. It’s a
chance to meet with other library directors, as well as the folks at CWMARS.
• Alex, the Berkshire Athenaeum’s Director is going to come down to Otis for a meeting with me
on June 16.
• Lois and I have begun doing a shelf read, which is the process of verifying that all our items are
on the shelf and in the correct place. It also allows us to look in to ensure things are in transit,
lost, missing, etc. This process leads up to weeding the collection so that we can make sure that
it is current.
• Also, we are hoping to hire someone new. I sent out Molly’s Resume to the board so that they
could look it over. I think she is well qualified and would make a good addition to the team.
Gloria made a motion seconded by Carol to accept the Director’s Report as written and it was unanimously approved.
Old/Ongoing Business:
1. Otis Library Fair: July 8th, 10:00 – 3:00, on calendar, Additional Fair Meeting requested for Thursday June 22, at 6:00 PM was NOT viable for three out of the six trustees in attendance at this meeting.
• Subcommittee Reports
 Vendors – Lois reported 27 vendors, she will share an email detailing set-up info when we get closer to the date.
 Publicity –4 laminated flyers around town (2 transfer station, Town Beach, Public Boat launch and at the StoryWalk) Flyers in town are in Town Hall, Papa’s, and the Poultry Farm. Gloria and Rosy took more flyers. In Gt. Barrington, flyers have been posted at the Post Office, Carr Hardware, Lawrence of London and in the Food Court Lobby. Susan & Jim will hang the two banners. Susan will share the flyer on 14 social media sites and ask Brandi about a “Robo” call the night before the fair. To do: Post fair flyers on the library website, and FB page, post more flyers around town and in other communities. Advertise in other local newspapers; Westfield (Jim), Becket (Diane), Monterey (Lois), Otis Observer (Sue) Sandisfield (?)
 Food – Sue B. and Diane will purchase all food and paper after checking inventory at the library, Tony will cook Italian eggplant subs for $6 each, Hot Dogs available, Diane said the sandwich, drink, and chip combo was popular and will offer this combo. Susan E. will donate 5 gal. of lemonade and 3 gallons of iced tea and check with Big Y and Price Chopper for donations. We are grateful to Tony for his excellent cooking and bringing his own help. Sue B. will take orders and handle the food money. Tables for eating will be set up.
 Bake Table: Diane will coordinate with Gloria’s help. Gloria will get the 100-cup coffee maker (thanks Lois) and tea urn going. Each trustee asked to bake or donate items of various size packaging. Brad reported that a patron offered to bake. Diane and Gloria will make sure wrapping, plates, serving utensils etc. are present.
 Raffle – Jim and Tom will manage this station close to the library, and Friends display. Additional raffle baskets offered or solicited; Gourmet (Carol), Movie (Lois), Grill (Lois), Other committed donations, Fire Stick (Paul Gage). Wood Carving (Ken Packie), $100 gift Certificate from Otis Ridge Garden Center and Grouse House, Otis Sweatshirt (Otis Poultry Farm), $ 50 cards from Papa’s, and $40 cards from Katie’s. Trustees are asked to get verbal confirmation of the items, and pictures of the larger items so that raffle tickets can be sold ahead of time and urged to bring their items into as soon as they are received. Each item will be individually displayed with a corresponding jar to collect tickets for that item. Rosy researched a name that could be used: “Silent Raffle” and “Chance Raffle” A large container that can be turned will be used to determine the winner. The raffle drawing will start at 2:00 PM starting with the biggest “Prize.”
 Family & Children’s Activities; Hilary Howard would like to work in the Copsicle Truck. Children will be kept away from the Erbe Property. In addition to the entertainment listed, there will be a table set up with nature crafts and other activities for the kids to do. Information about the Summer Reading Programing and free books will be available. A “passport” is being considered to entice kids and their families to participate in the fair. Lois will check for leftover passports that can be used.
 Set -up: Day before: Tony & Jim E., Jim A. will talk to Bruce so Jim E. can pick up the chalk 6/7 for marking vendor assignments. Each site will be assigned a number.
 Set -up: Day of: All trustees asked to be there at 8:00 Am. Carol will “Greet, Meet, & Seat the vendors. After unloading their materials, they will be asked to park behind the Town Hall. Eric & the crew will help with set-up. Hilary, Jay and Larkin have volunteered to help with the set-up. We need more people.
 Clean up: Jim E. food garbage to dump at 2:30, Brandi offered Town cleaning supplies, To do:someone needs to coordinate with her to pick them up and get the key to Town Hall.
 Parking: Jim E. with help from Dimitri
 Community Tables:
Library: will have registration forms to sign up, survey info, flyers advertising upcoming programming, museum pass information and the book sale. It will be an opportunity for the community to meet Brad. Lois will assist Brad.
Friends of the Otis Library; Carol and Rosy, Information about the group, 50/50 raffle tickets, Popcorn sale (Susan will check with the PTA about the popcorn machine.)
 Other – running tally for “thank you” notes.

 FYI New Library Road sign installed. Thanks Brad.
 FYI Small Library Grant (SLA) Diane, Donna, Sue b. and Terry attended MBLC Webinar. Sub-committee met with Sen. Paul Mark to explore additional funding sources.
 FYI Sub-committee Report: Friends Group: The group has a bank account and can receive checks. Carol and Brad had a conversation after his research into other library’s Friends of the Library policies determining that all utilized their “Friends’” group for fundraising. The Board unanimously agreed that the “Friends” sponsoring a 50/50 raffle would benefit the library. The group exists to benefit the library. Carol suggested this group have its own tab on the library website. She will supply the group with the organization’s bylaws.
 FYI Sub-committee Report: Strategic Plan – Adult & Children’s Surveys Out, Teen survey pending, online forum hosted by Kristi Chadwick in July. Surveys “open” till July 15th. Being sent to patrons this week.
 FYI: StoryWalk – “Henry’s Big Kaboom” by Mary Ames Mitchell, up through July 9th.
2. New Business:
 Summer Employee hire/hours; Brad spoke to the need at the library. He referred to the applicant’s resume and experience and after a discussion with Tom and Sue requested a higher hourly rate. After discussion, Gloria made a motion seconded by Susan E. to hire Molly at a rate of $16 an hour and increase Kerry’s salary to $17. It passed unanimously.
 Special Collection Policy (Celeste, Carol, Jim, Brad), tabled this month
 Book Club: Carol and Brad have also discussed the formulation of a Library Book Club. All the Trustees were excited. An organizational meeting will be held at 4:30 on Tuesday, June 20th at the library. All are welcome.
 Other
Next Meeting: TBD
Future Meetings: Otis Library Fair, Saturday, July 8th, 10:00-3:00 PM, July 13, August 10, September 7, October 12, Veterans Day, December 14, 2023, January 11, 2024
A motion to adjourn was made by Jim, seconded by Diane. It passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Ebitz, Secretary
Next Meeting: TBD
Future Meetings: Library Fair, July 8th, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM (8:00 AM – 4:00 PM)