Otis Library Meeting Minutes 10/15/2020

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Otis Library Museum Meeting – Minutes

Thursday, October 15, 5:00 PM

 Gym in Town Hall


Members present – James Adams, Kathy Bort, Sue Brofman, Diane Dyer, Lois Hall, Gloria Mamokhin Donna Rich, Celeste Watman and Susan Ebitz

Chair Diane Dyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

The August Minutes were amended and approved unanimously. The September minutes were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s reports: Approved unanimously.


Director’s Report: (See unedited attached)   Unanimously approved.                                                                 


Unfinished Business:

  • Susan B. explained how the CARES Act Grant might be applied to the library. She and Susan E. discussed applying potential funds towards technology expenditures. Both Sue & Susan recommend that the board not apply for money through the CARES ACT because once we asked John Charrow to set aside time for tech support, we would be responsible for this expenditure and the grant might not reimburse us.  Celeste made a motion to accept the recommendation, Gloria seconded it and the motion was passed unanimously.
  • Discussion ensued around the hours advertised for Thursdays. Members would like to meet at 5:00 but the library is open till 6:00, Lois suggested the library be closed at 5:00 instead of six on the second Thursday of the month only. Susan/Sue made and seconded a motion to close the library at 5:00 on the night of the monthly library meeting but remain open till 6:00 every other Thursday of the month. Library signage would not have to be changed. This motion passed unanimously.
  • Donna and Susan gave an update on the StoryWalk detailing past and future plans. The Smithsonian Museum donation was very much appreciated and the featured book “How Raven Stole the Sun” was very well received. They plan to keep the “live” walks ongoing throughout the year to provide “safe” gatherings and promote community engagement with the library. An on-line application for people who might want to be guest readers will be drafted and presented back to the board when it’s ready.

New Business:

  • Kathy announced that the library would be able to reopen on Saturdays from 9:00 till 1:00. Kyle Hawley has been hired to assume this shift. He’s also willing to organize Hank Wingate’s notes when not busy with patrons.
  • Gloria made a motion, seconded by Sue to authorize Kathy to order and ship three bookcases that would match the existing furniture in the children’s section. These bookcases cost $678. The Board unanimously approved this motion.
  • Kathy reported that the library wouldn’t participate in Halloween book distribution this year. Normally, children come to the library and they can be given a book that matches their reading level and area of interest. Due to COVID restraints, that is not possible this year. Kathy reported that the recently completed “school bag” project co-sponsored by the REC Department was a big hit.
  • Gloria gave an in-depth overview of a grant opportunity sponsored by the ALA and Small & Rural Libraries for up to $3000. The grant is due on December 2, for the first-round applications. The purpose of the grant is to provide community engagement resources and opportunities for library workers serving small and rural communities. The Otis Library & Museum seemed to meet all the qualifications but there was a question of whether CWMARS meant the Library was also a member of ALA. Celeste and Kathy will research this. There are numerous requirements including taking on-line webinars. Gloria and Susan E. agreed to co-facilitate this grant subcommittee. Susan B. made a motion that was seconded by Donna to authorize Gloria and Susan to pursue applying for this grant.
  • Kathy reported she’s submitted a letter about sanitizing equipment to the town. She’s also requested an air quality evaluation. Both of these “asks” to relate to keeping staff and patrons safe despite COVID.


The motion to adjourn the regular meeting was made by Gloria and seconded by Celeste at 6:15 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary


Next Meeting: November 12, 2020

Future Meetings: December10, 2020, January 7, 2021, February 11, 2021, March 11, 2021, April , 2021, May13, 2021, June 10, 2021