Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 10/03/2023

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Minutes of the Otis Historical Commission: October 3,2023

ATTENDENCE: Gail Gelburd, Joel Myers, Celeste Watman, Hal Kobrin. A quorum was present.
The meeting was called to order at 4:30.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the September 5th meeting were approved.
Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s: The work on the foundation is supposed to begin in November. The HVAC and electrical work will also start soon.
Progress on Land Transfer for the ADA Compliance Meditation Garden: The attorney has the papers, and will finalize the land transfer.
East Otis School House: The outhouse will have a new foundation, and then it will be attached to the school house.
Knox Trail: No update.
Signage: No update.
Video: The producer of the video wants to add snow to the scenes.
Archives and Museum: Celeste filed the books based on their price, and worked on organizing the Hank Wingate collection.
Organ: Hal spoke with Steve Abdow formerly from the Springfield Diocese, and asked him for the name of the new contact at the Diocese. Then, Hal plans to have a conversation with Steve and the new contact about acquiring the organ.
Gail suggested that Hal mentions that an HVAC system will be installed to help stabilize conditions for the organ when it arrives.
OCC Grant for Notice Otis: Celeste submitted the grant application, and she is waiting for notification from the Otis Cultural Council.
OPT Report: No update.
Update on Grant Activities: Gail will write a letter to the Fitzpatrick Foundation about future funding.
CTSB: The cable v station interviewed Gail about our activities.
Berkshire Magazine: Gail and Stephanie were interviewed by Berkshire Magazine. They do not know when the article will be published.
The meeting ended at 5:20.