Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 01/04/2024

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Otis Historical Commission
January 4, 2024 Minutes

ATTENDANCE: Gail Gelburd, Diane Provenz, Joel Meyer, Geoff Pigman, Tricia Smith, Hal Kobrin, Dave Modzelowski, Stephanie Skinner, Celeste Watman The meeting began at 4:31 pm.
MINUTES: The December minutes were approved unanimously.
BUDGET: Diane and Gail reviewed the existing budget. They suggested the following changes: Memberships was $550, change to $500; Professional services (new category) $5,125; Land transfer: $500; Postage & Mailings: change from $275 to $200; Business travel: $300 to visit other restored historical properties.
These changes and the budget were approved unanimously.
LAND TRANSFER: All of the paperwork was sent to the Select Bank Property Services and we will wait for their approval.
PRESERVATION: We will ask the Town Administrator for approval to remove the cushions from the Otis Cultural Center (OCC) at Historic St. Paul’s.
There was a discussion about a new banner to be hung on the fence at the OCC at Historic St. Paul’s.
The construction project, and the extermination of the powder post beetles is scheduled for March.
East Otis Schoolhouse: The contractor, La Rochelle needs an additional $6,000 to cover the cost for the higher bid.
We need a detailed accounting of funds from the town.
KNOX TRAIL: No updates. A copy of the Knox Trail video will be available soon.
COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: Archives: LeBeau Appraisal Services was contacted about the costs of an inventory, and appraisal of the OHC collection housed at the Otis Library.
On January 19th, John Fontaine from Fontaine Auctions in Pittsfield will review the OHC museum collection to determine if any of the items are worthwhile to auction.
Hal is continuing his conversation with Steve Abdow about the organ (formerly in the OCC at Historic St. Paul’s) which is now at the Springfield diocese. It was mentioned that we need to reimburse the diocese for the restoration of the organ, and that a memorandum of agreement needs to be drafted between OHC, and the diocese.
FUNDING: The Otis Cultural Council awarded a grant of $800 to fund the “Notice Otis” series.
OTIS PRESEVATION TRUST REPORT: There is approximately $200,000 in the OPT budget. In 2023, the Annual Appeal generated $17,500.
GRANTS: The MA Historical Commission’s Preservation Projects Fund grant is due in March. We need to contact the architect, Steve McAllister to find out the cost of finishing the exterior work on the East Otis Schoolhouse.
Fitzpatrick Grant: Gail Gelburd sent a letter to them inquiring about obtaining another grant from them.
There is another grant available from the National Park Service, and we will research it as a possible funding source.
SIGNAGE: Diane Provenz received information from Lynne Geane about acquiring signs designating historic sites in Otis.
NEW BUSINESS: The former Farmington River Diner was sold, and is now renamed Paige’s by the new owners. An opening is planned for January 12th.
The meeting ended at 5:24pm.