APRIL 26, 2016
I. Meeting was called to order at 6:02PM
Attendees: Jeanne Randorf, Al Blake, Carol Lombardo, Arlene Tolopko, Vicki Ernst, Joan Basis, Shanon Albee, Diane Provenz, Robert Turnbough
Absentees: Deb Fogel, Mary Anne Cicchillo, Ilisa Sulner, Ilona Packie, Darlene Murphy
II. Carol Lombardo made a motion to approve the minutes of March 22, 2016. Seconded by Al Blake. Minutes were approved.
III. Reports
a. Financial – Presented by Shanon Albee. She reported that a small amount of disposable funds are available and if so desired, may be used for additional requests.
New Requests:
1. Kim Chiricello requested $500 for a folk music program to be presented as part of a Spring concert. After discussion, Diane Provenz made a motion to approve the request. Motion carried unanimously.
2. Great Encampment posters – Help is needed publicizing the event to be held May 21-22 at the Farmington River school field. Diane Provenz suggested setting aside a small amount of money for unforeseen needs. Vicki Ernst recommended a $300 maximum. Motion carried.
b. Chair reports:
1. A letter of apology was received from Roberta Sarnacki concerning an article which appeared in the Berkshire Eagle regarding Kops-N-Kids program in which the Otis Cultural Council funding was not mentioned. The information had in fact been given to the reporter, but was omited in the article. A clarifying article has been sent to the Otis Observer.
IV. Flower Barrel Project:
1. Thanks-a-Bunch luncheon was held at Fratelli’s.
2. New Season – Two barrels are being replaced due to age. It was noted that after placement, one barrel remains if anyone knows of another site.
V. Spring Events:
Jeanne Randorf distributed a schedule of events and will keep it current.
1. Kops-n-Kids reported to have gone very well. Served 52 young people.
2. Publicity flyers – Arlene Tolopko revised our distribution site list.
3. The Great Encampment – The two day event is scheduled for May 21-May 22. It will include colonial crafts, demonstrations, a campout, food, etc.
4. Tag Sale – The event is scheduled on May 28th from 9AM until 3PM. Tables are $10 each for residents and $15 for non-residents. Vicki Ernst has arranged with Otis Ridge to hold the event there and has been receiving calls from interested parties.
5. Sup-n-Swing – The event is scheduled for June 18th. Flyers will be ready by the end of May. Joan Basis made a motion to advertise the event to contiguous towns. Motion carried.
6. Summer workshops – A list of summer workshops was distributed.
7. Arts Festival – Scheduled for October 15th. Considering music as part of the event.
VI. Other Business – A discussion took place about the possibility of using recycling proceeds to help with a much needed electronic sign for Farmington School. After research, Jeanne Randorf was concerned that this project does not fit our mission statement. It was decided to investigate further.
VII. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50PM. Next meeting will be held May 24, 2016 at 7:15PM.
Respectfully submitted:
Mary Jo Engels, Recording Secretary