05/17/2017 MINUTES
Location: Otis Town Hall, One North Main Road, Otis
Cemetery Commission Members present: Bruce Wall (Chairman), Kristen Brown and Roger Meyer
Conservation Commission Members absent: None
Staff and others present: James Crandall, Sexton
Opening items:
- Bruce Wall opened the meeting at 3:00 PM and asked all to turn down their cell phones.
- Bruce made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting, 10/11/2016; RM 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes from the 10/11/2016 meeting.
- Bruce made a motion to process a revision to the Dennis Radford Deed Transfer Request. He wants the deed to include his wife’s name. KB will process the revision and file it in the folder.
- Bruce opened the budget expenditures to date, and reviewed each line item. BW asked if all agree – all did.
- Bruce opened the proposed budget for FY19, and asked if we should stay flat, or add/remove any accounts, or adjust any amounts. We all agreed to stay flat with each line.
- Bruce asked if any unanticipated business, none being said, he made a motion to adjourn and RM 2nd the motion and the commission unanimously closed the meeting.
Meeting Ended at 3:28 PM.