Library Meeting Minutes 12/12/2019

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Otis Library Museum Annual Meeting – Minutes

Thursday, December 12, 2019

6:00 PM

Members present -Celeste Watman, Diane Dyer, Donna Rich, Jane Feldman, Kathy Bort, Lois Hall, Sue Brofman, and Susan Ebitz


Chair Diane Dyer called the meeting to order at 6:10.


The November Minutes were approved with Susan making the motion seconded by Jane.  Susan B. gave the Treasurer’s Report. It was unanimously agreed to roll over the CD held through Berkshire Bank with Jane making the motion seconded by Donna.


Director’s Report: submitted by Kathleen Bort


  • circulation is decreasing with an average of 25 – most active early in the day


  • requests are lower but several people using Libby and CWMARS
  • LIBBY has more information available at the site available without going into the computer account


  • Lois has returned to work and is doing well.


Special Programs:

  • From November through January art created by Farmington River Regional School students will be displayed with a reception and musical performance taking place on December 19th. This reception will last from 4:00 till 6:00. The Library will provide refreshments. Notification has been sent to all patrons, appears in all articles, and will be sent home to parents.


Holiday Hours:

  • Closed December 25th, Open December 26th and 27th, regular hours
  • Closed January 1st, Open January 2nd and 3rd, regular hours
  • The Berkshire Library Legislative Breakfast will take place on January 31, at 8:00 am in the Monterey Library, the Otis Library will make a $50 donation.
  • Census Day at the Otis Library will take place on Wednesday, April 1st. Patrons will be able to get assistance with their forms.

Susan made a motion that was seconded by Celeste to accept the Director’s Report as written. The motion passed unanimously.


Unfinished Business:


  • Technology- Diane, Celeste, Sue, Donna, and Susan attended the Selectboard meeting on Tuesday, November 26th to discuss technology concerns. Diane asked about an unpaid technology bill. Selectboard member Bill Hiller said that it would be paid but moving forward he stated that he didn’t want the library to get left behind as the town moved forward with technology. Sue B. expressed concern that $4000 earmarked for computer classes is being withheld from the library. The board has voted to retain the hardware services provided by John Charrow rather than use the town offered technician and is wondering why computer help sessions and instruction services not provided by this technician represent denying this sum 0f $4200 from being paid.  Bill suggested that the board write a letter stating the library’s concerns. After the board reread an email with concerns raised by Kathy Bort and answered by Larry Gould, Technology Chair, the board agreed that a discussion with the full Technology Subcommittee might alleviate concerns on all sides.


  • FY 2021 Budgetthe budget subcommittee including Celeste, Sue Brofman, and Susan Ebitz will meet on December 18th and January 3rd to continue working on the Otis Library & Museum budget.



New Business                                                                                                      

  • Celeste sent a “Thank You” note on behalf of the library to Mr. Garde for his donation of the Historical Springfield Newspaper.
  • Diane reported that the Library holiday get together at the Knox was a rousing success.
  • Kathy shared that Kerry would be facilitating making ornaments with Legos on Saturday.


The motion to adjourn was made by Jane and seconded by Sue at 7:45 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary


Next Meeting: January 9, 2020 – agenda items due: 1/6/20


Future Meetings: Please don’t schedule speakers on our regularly meeting night 12, 2019


February 13, 2020 – agenda items due:2/10/20

March 12, 2020 – agenda items due: 3/9/20

April 9, 2020 – agenda items due: 4/6/20

May 14, 2020 – agenda items due: 5/11/20

June 11, 2020 – agenda items due: 6/8/20