Zoning Board Meeting Minutes 09/05/2023

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Town of Otis
Board of Appeals
September 5, 2023

Open Meeting/Introductions: Chairperson Travis Ward opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m Introductions of the board were made.
In Attendance: Travis Ward, Terry Gould, Wayne Woczyna, Roseanne DuRupo, Jim Kauffman, Gordon Middleton, Trish Tetrault, Larry Gould.
Applicants: Michael Fenton, Ellen Freiman, Brett Smith, Sylester, (engineer for applicant), David Archambeau.
Public: Ed Rufrano, Angelo DeMarco

To hear and act upon the application of Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, for a Zoning By-Law Special Permit under Sec. 6.5.4 of the Otis Zoning by-laws to erect a one hundred fifty-foot (150’) tall monopole and two concrete pads to house equipment.

All abutters were notified and publications made within the correct timeframe.

The applicant was invited to present their information to the board. The monopole cell tower and associated equipment setbacks would be: Side: 333 feet
Side: 1,716 feet
Rear: 1,159 feet
Front: 440 feet
Location is on Marcie Road in a densely wooded area. It will provide improved wireless coverage to the town of Otis and surrounding areas, filling a gap in coverage along Rte 8. A balloon test was done and photos were provided with the application. Visibility would be limited from public roads due to the thick tree cover.
The board asked questions to clarify emergency vehicle access, fencing and noise. The applicant explained that there would be periodic generator testing lasting around 20 minutes every 2 weeks that would be inaudible at distances over 500 feet away.
The board opened the meeting for public comment. Abutters, Ed Rufrano and Angelo De Marco were in attendance and expressed concerns about potential visibility from a home to be built in the future. The applicant explained that the home would be about 700 feet away if built, and there would be minimal to no visibility through the trees and generator noise, negligible due to the distance.

Public portion of the meeting was closed. There was not further discussion by the board.
Motion was made by Terry Gould to accept the application and add the presented waiver for the geological testing to be added to the permit when it is done.
Seconded by Wayne Woczyna
Roll Call: Terry Gould: aye
Jim Kauffman: aye
Roseanne DuRupo: aye
Wayne Woczyna: aye
Travis Ward: aye



1. Approval of minutes from August 2023 meeting. After corrections and discussion, motion to accept as corrected by Jim Kaufman. Seconded by Wayne Woczyna.
2. Old Business and New Business/ Items unanticipated by the chair.
A discussion regarding in-person meetings. Travis feels that it has been going very well via Zoom and would like to continue the virtual meetings until the state changes the policy. Members agreed. Should an applicant request an in person meeting we would be able to have a hybrid meeting at the Town Hall. It was noted that the chair and a quorum would need to be present at a hybrid meeting. An applicant would need to request an in-person meeting when they submit their application.
The chair welcomed Gordon Middleton to the board as alternate member. Noted that there is a vacancy for a second alternate member and have asked the town administrator to post the position.
3. Update from the Building Inspector.
Larry Gould stated that there may be 3 or 4 applications for the October meeting and possibly a 5th. Any who miss the deadline will be moved to the November hearing.
4. Next Meeting: scheduled for October 2nd.
5. Adjournment 8:16 p.m.