Select Board Meeting Minutes 06/09/2020

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Select Board Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

June 09, 2020

7:00 p.m.


*This meeting is being conducted remotely through Zoom. You must check back within 24 hours of the start time for a link to join.

Pursuant to the Governor’s March 12, 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, Sec 18, this meeting is being held via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Every effort is being made to ensure that any member of the public may access the meeting in real time, via technological means. Agendas will be amended to show the link and participation code to access the meeting no sooner than 48 hours before. Recordings and/or draft proceedings of the meeting will be available on our website as soon as possible.


Bill Hiller, Larry Southard, Heather Morgan, Brandi Page, Diane Provenz,, Hal Kobrin, James Crandall, Lyn O’Brien, Theresa Gould, Rona Knight, Sonia Morrison, Troy (13 participants in all)


  1. Call to Order

7:00 PM


  1. Approval of Select Board Minutes from May 27, 2020

The Minutes from May 27 were not approved


  1. Review and Approval of Warrants

To be done tomorrow

  1. Annual Reappointment or Appointment


  1.  Street Light Change-Tolland Road

Troy Fluckiger would like to have the street light moved from in front of his house at 728 Tolland Road to in front of 740.  Brandi checked with Pat and Ellen O’Brien at 740 and they are fine with having the street light moved.  If there is a cost Troy has agreed to pay for the street light to be moved.  The Town will need to call Eversource and request the move, the homeowner can’t do it.  The Board decided unanimously that if Eversource can move the light and Troy is willing to pay for it then the Board is okay with having it moved.

  1. Temp Restaurant Outdoor Dining for Phase II Re-opening

The Grouse House has asked for a temporary outside dining permit based on the State allowing that as part of this opening phase. The usual process has been expedited. The Board unanimously agreed.

  1. Re-Opening Plan & Town Meeting

Annual Town Meeting will be held Tuesday the 16th outside in the parking lot to be ADA compliant. The grass surface isn’t recommended.  If the weather forecast involves rain the meeting will be postponed by the Moderator.  A robo call will go out on Monday with specifics for voters attending. The Board unanimously agreed.


Some towns are now open by appointment only.  A lot of towns haven’t decided when they will open to the public.  Lyn said that she has been meeting with residents a little by appointment, and using the window by the door.  Lyn suggested having a solid plan before opening Town Hall.  So far everything has been functioning well.  There have been no complaints. After being open by appointment the next phase would be limited morning hours.Brandi is to draft a plan and the Board will sign it. Then guidance will go out to departments.


  1. Forester for Forest Stewardship Plan

Bill was interested in a third proposal. Jim will reach out to that person and see if they are interested in submitting. Also if we can reach out to Blandford and Stockbridge for a reference on Jeff Jourdain. Tabled until next meeting.


  1. Fire Department Vehicle

The Fire Department cannot use the explorer anymore.  Larry Southard feels it’s not a good use of the town’s money to repair the vehicle.  He had looked at it a couple of years ago.  The question came up regarding how the town disposes of a vehicle?  Should it be junked and how does the town do that?  The vehicle will need to be stripped of all electronics first.  Tabled until next meeting


  1. HMP & MVP Subcommittee

MVP action grants are due next week.  Hal said that he feels that they will be ready to apply. The Planning Board is going to organize a subcommittee for the HMP and MVP planning process.  Jen and Hal have agreed to be on the subcommittee.  The Board unanimously agreed.


  1. Complete Streets

Rona Knight feels there is no downside to applying for the grant. Rona spoke about the possibility of using a consultant to help plan.  There was concern expressed regarding Brandi, Derek, and Larry’s time being tied up with extra paperwork. The Board unanimously agreed to go ahead with signing the Complete Streets agreement and going forward in identifying possible projects.


  1. Any topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair at the time of the original posting.

We received a second quote on the tree removal at St. Paul’s Church. The Historic Commission would like to put money towards the tree work.  The contract for the tree work would need to be signed before July 1st.  Diane spoke about the fund raising sign they would like to put up at the church.  It was decided that the BOS does not need to approve the sign.


  1. Adjournment



Respectfully submitted,

Heather Morgan

Selectmen’s Secretary, Town of Otis



List of Documents

Annual Reappointment or Appointment

ABCC Guidelines

Appointment Applications 2020

Draft of 5/27/2020 Meeting Minutes

Complete Streets email

June 9th Agenda Items

Notes for Town Meeting

Request to Amend Minutes

Street Light Change Request