School Committee Minutes 02/18/2016

Farmington River Regional School District
Farmington River Elementary School
555 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253
Thursday February 18, 2016 – 7:00 PM

Meeting #333


Members Present: Nick DellaGiustina, Alicia Dunaj, Jessica Drenga, Sandra Synder, Carol Lombardo, John Skrip, Tom Nadolny, Jane Gleason, Jo Ann Austin, Teresa DellaGiustina

Members Absent: Arlene Tolopko

Community Participation: Craig Drenga brought up plowing contracts. Committee informed Craig of the costs of the contract, and what is entailed in the contract.

Guests: Jeffrey Gray, Craig Drenga

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Alicia Dunaj.

Emergency meeting to develop a contingency plan to address keeping the school open with no water pump: The School Committee was brought up to speed on the water pump situation. The pump needs to be replaced, it was non repairable. Jeff called many plumbers about the situation and is requesting that Pittsfield Pipers be the company to utilize. They were the most efficient and cooperative to our situation. They will have a new pump within 4 weeks to replace the broken one, as compared to 6 weeks quoted by other companies. Pittsfield Pipers suggested a temporary pump to replace the broken one while we wait. The pump will not be as efficient as the pump we need, but it will suffice until the new one comes in. Nick DellaGiustina motioned to accept Pittsfield Pipers offer and have them come replace the water pump with a temporary pump until the new pump comes in. Jessica Drenga seconded the motion. School Committee voted unanimously to have Pittsfield Pipers put in temporary pump until the new water pump is here.
There are going to be a few adjustments so that classes can continue as usual. The Kitchen Staff has revamped the breakfast and lunch menus to lessen the amount of water usage. Paper and plastic products will be replacing utensils and plates. All students will be using the restrooms on the first floor. This will help the temporary pump from taxing itself with the usage of the lessened water pressure.

A backup plan was discussed if the temporary pump doesn’t work or cannot accommodate the building. That would be to rent portable restrooms, and supply bottled water to staff and children for drinking.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa DellaGiustina