School Committee Meeting Minutes 05/10/2021

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Farmington River Regional School District


555 Main Road, Otis MA 01253

School Committee Meeting #400

Monday, May 10, 2021, 7:00PM, via ZOOM



Community Participation: 


Members Present:  Carol Lombardo, Billie Pachulski, Jennifer Hibbins, Deb Fogel, and Jess Drenga


Absent:  None


Jess Drenga called the meeting at 7:06 PM


  1. Vote on approving an out of state field trip to Nomad’s Adventure Park in CT. Billie Pachulski motioned to approve the 6th grade out of state field trip to Nomad’s Adventure Park in CT.  Carol Lombardo second the motion.  Vote was unanimous to approve the motion.


  1. Approve minutes #398.  Jennifer Hibbins motioned to approve minutes #398.  Carol Lombardo second the motion.  Vote was unanimous to approve minutes #398.


  1. Meeting #400 was motioned to adjourn at 7:18 PM by Deb Fogel.  Carol Lombardo second the motion.  The vote was unanimous to adjourn.



Respectfully Submitted,



Teresa DellaGiustina, School Committee Secretary

