School Committee Meeting Minutes 04/04/2022

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Farmington River Regional School District


555 Main Road, Otis MA 01253

School Committee Meeting #415

Monday, April 4, 2022, 7:00PM

via ZOOM



Members present:  Arlene Tolopko, Carl Nett, Jess Drenga, Roger Kohler, Deb Fogel, Jennifer Hibbins, Carol Lombardo, Thomas Nadolny, and Eric Jesner.


Community participation:  No community participation this month


  1. Approve minutes #414. Arlene Tolopko motioned to approve minutes #414, Deb Fogel seconded the motion.  The vote was unanimous to approve minutes #414.


  1. Principal/Superintendent update: Tom Nadolny update the Committee on all updates and or changes to school activities such as:  MCAS testing, after school programming, the fire fund, the musical, graduation for 6th graders, field trips, field day, summer school, and COVID numbers throughout the district.


Tom answered questions concerning blizzard bag contents and vocational schooling.


  1. Discuss and vote on a new stipend position for the remainder of this year and next year. Tom explained the stipend being requested.  The stipend is for routine system checks and maintenance throughout the summer and to get the system ready for the beginning of the school year.  Jess Drenga motioned to approve the stipend.  Deb Fogel seconded the motion.  There was a brief discussion.  The vote was unanimous to approve the stipend position.


  1. Discuss and vote for teachers to adopt a voluntary sick bank until the end of the year. Tom Nadolny explained the topic to the Committee.  Jess Drenga motioned to approve a voluntary sick bank until the end of the school year, Arlene Tolopko seconded the motion.  There was a short discussion.  The vote was unanimous to approve the voluntary sick bank until the end of the school year.


  1. Financial updates: Eric Jesner discussed the research he has about the gym ceiling, and what is needed to be done to complete the process.  Pre-school tuition was discussed.  Eric displayed FY22 budget for Committee members and offered explanation if needed.  Eric shared his responses to the Sandisfield Finance Committee with the School Committee.  There was a  short discussion on each question that Eric needed to respond to.


  1. Arlene Tolopko motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Carl Nett seconded the motion.  The meeting was unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:50 P.M.



Respectfully Submitted,



Teresa DellaGiustina, School Committee Secretary

