Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes 06/22/2021

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Recreation Commission
June 22, 2021, Tuesday @ 6:00PM/IN PERSON @ Harmony Hall
Harmony Hall, 70 North Main Road, Otis, MA

Meeting called by & time: Jen Catolane, 6:04PM.
Meeting facilitated by: Jen Catolane.
Board Members Present: Jen Catolane, Dana Pustinger, Kathy Carroll, Kelly Kennedy.
Board Members Absent: None.
Others Present: Patricia Richard, Program Supervisor.


1. Introductions. None needed.
2. Alternate. Welcomed Kelly Kennedy. We are due for a new Chair starting in FY22, discussed.
3. Review & approval of Meeting Minutes. Approved unanimously.
4. Accounting.
a. FY21 Report. Reviewed.
b. FY22 Budget. Reviewed.
c. Revolving & Donation Accounts.
5. Rec Center
a. Cardio Room, Wi-Fi, Pool Tables. 1. Patricia reviewed the guidelines for people to use the Rec Center – access is 5AM-8PM, by reservation only. 2. Discussed resuming disinfecting of the cardio equipment on a weekly basis, will start in July.
6. Programs/Project Proposals.
a. Online wellness programs.
b. In-person classes/programs. Reviewed Flex Passes – price changes starting 7/1/21.
c. Other programs. Intuitive Painting workshop scheduled for 7/23/21, Friday, 2:00-4:00PM, in-person at the Town Hall. 2. Patricia is looking into some new offerings – Silver Sneakers (fitness classes designed for seniors) & Zumba. 3. Piece of My Art – painting workshop in the Fall in person. Berkshire Paint & Sip not doing in-person workshops yet. 4. No update from the instructor regarding the basket weaving workshop for the fall.
d. Payment Methods. Inquired with Karen Fink regarding payment methods available for online and in-person payments. The Town is currently using UniPay for credit card and online check payments.
7. Town Beach. New sand added to the beach. Concerns for the safety cones (put in the middle of the road by residents) on Great Woods Road near the beach along with the quads and golf carts on the road and beach. Will inquire with Brandi on who to contact to enforce.
8. Memos. Reviewed memo from Lyn regarding in-person versus zoom meetings.
9. Old Business. Discussed Trampoline Park discount tickets – will be offered at $10/each to Otis residents & Otis taxpayers only. 2. Ed Pop! Performer scheduled for 7/17. 3. No update on Berkshire South swim lessons.
10. New Business. Trunk or Treat this year – will be working with the PTA.
11. Adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at: 7:40PM.
Respectfully submitted by: Patricia Richard.
Submitted to Town Clerk.