Planning Board Meeting Minutes February 12, 2024

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Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes February 12, 2024

Call to order 7:00 PM

1. Roll Call:
Mark Anthony – Chair
Hal Kobrin
Terry Cook-Visser
Barb Gallagher

1. Approval of December 11, 2023 minutes
No quorum, will approve next month.

2. Approval of January 8, 2024 minutes
Terry motion to accept, Hal second, all in favor.

3. Form A: 23 and 31 Parish Drive
SK design here, land court case, plan was agreed upon by the two parties and judge, no ruling has been made yet by judge.
Existing structures on one parcel were built over the property line, change in property lines to make those structures on his property,
Non conforming lots, but were already non conforming, so the change is not making either lot less conforming than it currently is.

Do we have any documents from the court,

We have an order from court with an agreement but no ruling from court but plan is not shown on there, we don’t know what was agreed to

Why are the property owners not here

This approval and plan would not convey change in property ownership, would still need to be recording on registry of deeds.

Why is court ruling dependent on planning board approval

Want planning board approval to make sure there is no conformity issues to arise after ruling

Hal feels comfortable giving a letter but not approving plans without court order or both property owners here, or agreement signed by both parties

Mark, we have no judgement or agreements,

Hal, will not put his name on this without documents showing both parties having an agreement, but can make a statement or letter stating there is no issue with the plans and see no problems,

Mark, still not comfortable with a letter without all the information

Discussion on how plan makes the lots more non conforming,

Can continue the issue to next month, and you can bring the necessary information next months meeting,

Mark motion to continue until next meeting, Terry second, all in favor.

4. Site Plan Review: 27 N Main Road
Zoe Buckley on Zoom
Sent a letter,
Looking for approval to open a retail shop for antiques and oddities,
Not sure what is really going to work there, looking to do antiques,

Hal, yes you are in village district, so by right yes in general you can do buisness, we have no site plan or maps, so this is just a general discusstion

General site plan review entails, need to have it posted to public, neighbors, parking, yes it is a use by right but need a review to see that you are doing what you are tring to do safetly for public, in general what you are asking would be an approved thing,

Mark, can you put together complete packet for board to review

Hal, To include
Site plan on building, map, photos, plan for parking, explain exactly what you intend to do and how you are going to do it, so we can have a clear picture on what you are going to do
Proper ingress egress, parking, lighting, need venue for neighbors to respond,

Zoe, seemed like a lot of what is required doesn’t apply to me

Hal, yes we need a map, need a plot plan, need to show parking plan, ingress and egress, yes we need to see what you are intending to do and how you intend to do it,

Zoe, asking if survey map or engineer plans needed

Hal, yes we need to know where lot lines are, where building is, any wetlands, parking plan, lighting on building, hours of operation, site plan review is specifically to make sure you have safety for parking, ingress and egress, and neighbors have opportunity to see what you are planning to do and comment

Zoe, looking to put in least amount of money, not looking to get a new survey, if it is going to require a ton of work we just aren’t going to do it, can the planning board make exceptions because she feels a lot of the requirements don’t apply to us, if this is going to take too long we just wont do it

Hal, understand where she is coming from but we must do due dilligence, you can submit what you have and it may or may not be suffient for us to make a determination, typically people get a surveyor

Zoe, we would never spend that kind of money for a survey

Mark, do you currently own building

Zoe, yes purchased it in 2020. What is best plan moving forward.

Mark, send complete packet of information for board to review, understand you don’t want to spend a lot of money, but some things are needed for us to properly review.

Zoe, erbie site was recently surveyed

Terry, just need information more organized so we can see what you are doing and review it.


5. Any other business old or new.

6. Mark motion to adjourn 7:44 PM. Terry Second. All in favor.