Planning Board Meeting Minutes 03/28/2022

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Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes March 28, 2022


1. Roll Call: Call to order by Hal at 7:00 PM
a. Hal Kobrin, co-chair
b. Jen Daily, co-chair
c. Rona Knight, member
d. Jim Kauffman, member
e. Barbara Gallagher, member

2. Approval of minutes
Approval of March 14, 2022 meeting minutes
a. Rona motioned to accept the minutes as written.
b. Jen seconded.
c. All in favor.

3. Wireless Tower Bylaw
Board members engaged in a detailed, section by section, discussion and revision of the most recent draft.
a. Jen motioned to accept the bylaw with the changes we agreed.
b. Hal seconded.
c. All in favor.
Hal mentioned the need for timely feedback from the other stakeholders: Select Board, Zoning Board, Building Inspector, and Emergency Department.
a. Jen made a motion to email Brandi to ask them to respond with relevant feedback
by the end of the day on Thursday, April 7.
b. Hal seconded.
c. All in favor.

4. Other Business Not Anticipated
Jen said she received an employment application from a well-qualified candidate for Planning Board secretary and suggested we invite her to our next Planning Board meeting for an interview.
a. Jen made a motion to have Rona reach out to this candidate to invite her.
b. Rona seconded.
c. All in favor.
5. Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM
a. Hal motioned to adjourn.
b. Jen seconded.
c. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.