October Library Meeting Minutes 10/13/2022

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Otis Library October Minutes October 13, 2022, 6:00 PM

Roosevelt Room & Zoom

Members present:  Kathy Bort, Sue Brofman, acting chair, Susan Ebitz, Lois Hall, Donna Rich, Celeste Watman, on Zoom: Jim Adams. Gloria Mamokhin. Absent: Diane Dyer

Sue Brofman called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. Susan E. made a motion that was seconded by Celeste to make Sue B. the acting chair of the Library Board until a vote was taken at the Annual Meeting in November. The motion passed unanimously.

Approval of Minutes

Donna made a motion, that was seconded by Celeste to approve the September Meeting Minutes as amended. The motion was unanimously passed.

Treasurer’s reports: A motion was made by Susan E., seconded by Donna to accept the October Treasurer’s Report. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.

Director’s Report:

Attendance: Gradually decreasing, Thankful & Positive feedback

Acquisitions:  Addition of over 30 books, 5 Large Print, 4 audio, 20 DVD’s 5 Junior 5 children(monthly)

Reports: Federal and State Reports complete

Programming: Planned: Creepy Crayon StoryWalk, Berkshire Libraries Fall Crawl, Halloween Bag Decorating & Filling. Suggested: Mango Languages, (Summer Hours, Cooking Club, (Winter Hours)

Library Needs: Move extra chairs down to the cellar, Empty Book Sale Room, (Dec. 1) Store boxed books in the cellar.

*The library will not take any more book donations until June 1, 2023, as of October 15th,

Susan E. made a motion that was seconded by Gloria to accept the Director’s Report as written. The motion was unanimously passed.

Old/Ongoing Business:

Library ramp and entryway – The work is pending, and the library is part of the conversation.

Maintenance: Eric and the town crew will assist with moving items to the cellar.

StoryWalk: Creepy Crayons, “Live” Sunday, October 16, at 4:00 PM

Hiring Subcommittee Report: Kathy confirmed that as of January 1, 2023, she would like to retire from physically being present at the library. Lois is willing to work in the capacity that she always has, directly serving patrons, cataloguing books, and preparing materials (StoryWalk). She is willing to work during

the winter months. Lois does not want to be responsible for the following: State/Federal reporting, purchasing books, creating programming, and reading/replying to emails that may or not affect our library. A suggestion was made to make Lois the Interim Library Director with Kathy working remotely doing the tasks that Lois would not do. Kathy was asked to keep track of the hours she spends doing these tasks and share with the Board at the November Meeting. No action was taken at this time.


Susan E. shared that she, Donna, and Gloria had discovered that libraries with a population of less than 10,000 could hire a Library Director with a bachelor’s degree, who completed the MBLC Basic Library Techniques within five years of employment. The subcommittee acknowledged and thanked Kathy, who has a Master’s Degree for providing services more typical of libraries with a population of over 10,000 people. Moving forward, the subcommittee recommended that the search for a new library Director would use the specifications based on populations less than 10,000. Gloria is going to call several Western Massachusetts Libraries to survey Library Directors about their libraries, hours, education, salary, and benefits to compile details to help us with our search for a new director. Donna explained and asked the Board to complete a form detailing both short- and long-term challenges facing our library and a new director. She passed out a paper version and will send electronically. Donna has offered to collate the responses if everyone returned their opinions before the next meeting.


New Business:

  • Expanding the Board from seven to nine members: Donna made a motion that Otis Library Board approve the addition of two additional appointed members. After discussion, the Board passed this motion by a vote of 6 to 1. (Diane had emailed Susan E. her vote.) The new quorum will consist of 5 members. Kathy will invite anyone interested in joining our library board to come to our next meeting on November 10.
  • Susan E. asked Kathy and Lois if they were satisfied with the kitchen as improving it was a goal in the Five-Year Plan. They both volunteered a new sink, some counter space and modernizing the cabinets would be great but that it was not a priority.
  • Celeste presented a revision of the Annual Appeal Letter and asked for feedback. The Board was extremely positive and thanked her for her work! Gloria made a motion seconded by Susan B. to authorize Patty Strauch to get it printed for distribution. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Sue B. reported that her meeting with Paul Mark at the library had gone very well. He was very impressed with the amount of work and data that Kathy shared with him. The library has remained in touch with Lauren and Andrea about the possibility that Otis qualify for funds to build a new library.


A motion to adjourn was made by Donna, seconded by Celeste. It passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary

Next Meeting: November 10

Future Meetings:  December 8, 2022