Municipal Light Plant Board Meeting Minutes 08/15/2023

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Municipal Light Plant
Board Meeting Minutes
Town Hall Gymnasium
Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 6:30 PM

This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Please note the Municipal Light Plant Board is the Select Board. Convening and MLP Board meeting creates a quorum of the Select board.

Attendance: Larry Southard, Gary Thomas, Terry Gould, Brandi Page, Larry Gould, Mary K Pinkham, Sandy Pinkham, Chase Chapdelaine, Ed Sepanski, Derek Poirier, Luke Tonlino, John Tonlino, Michael O’Brien, Star O’Brien, Hal Kobrin, Diane Saunders, Bob Rosen, Don Moretz, Jill Moretz, Lynn Jablonski, Ray Jablonski, William J. O’Brien, Lyn & Ashely O’Brien, Michael Moretz, Don Chaffee, Bob Gentile, Diane Provenz, and Paul M.

Call to Order: 6:30 PM

Approval of Minutes: None

General MLP Information & Program Expectations: Larry Gould gave a general overview of the MLP and the history behind it. He thanked multiple people including the Tonlino’s for the site work and Bill Hiller who was instrumental in driving things forward as well as members of the Energy Committee that have been part if it since the beginning. He went over the day to day operations of the turbine and broadband network and outlined the type of responsibilities involved. When COVID hit and residents from the city were moving up they were able to work from home because we were almost complete with our fiber network. It has always been the goal of the MLP to provide benefits and services back to the Town. Now that accounts are being settled, an auditor has been engaged and functions are stabilized they can focus on expanding their programs as originally intended. This included renewable energy initiatives, energy costs and leasing of space.

Operating Budget: Larry explained the operating budget in detail. Expenses and revenue were clearly broken out and he clarified a few questions that were asked. The Broadband currently has 1,300 subscribers and we currently have 7 more to be connected. Larry talked about ongoing and past grant opportunities we have benefitted from. There was a question about contingency funds for major repairs to the turbine. Everyone agreed contingencies are necessary for unexpected costs/events.

Job Descriptions & Compensation: Larry presented the job descriptions for MLP Manager, Finance Officer & Treasurer which outlined the duties and responsibilities. There was a lot of discussion about the compensation for the MLP Manager. Residents felt the previous amount was way too low and that it should be increased. They reinforced the value in having someone who has the knowledge and skill set to run things efficiently. It was decided and unanimous by the Board that the MLP Board will continue to appoint the MLP Manager and the MLP Manager has the authority to appoint the Finance Officer. The MLP Treasurer is the Town treasurer by default. Larry Southard made a motion to set the MLP Manager salary at 75,000. Terry had to abstain from the vote. Gary wanted to wait until after the audit before they make a decision on the salary. Star O’Brien asked when the audit would be complete and felt the salary decision should be made soon. There was brief discussion about the next meeting being mid-October pending the timing of the audit.

Adjournment: 8:12 PM