Library Meeting Minutes 03/14/2019

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Otis Library Museum Meeting

Thursday, March 14, 2019 -6:30 PM


Members in attendance: Jim Adams, Kathleen Bort, Diane Dyer, Susan Ebitz, Eve Kummel, Lois Hall, and Celeste Watman

  • Jane called in for the meeting


The meeting was called to order by Diane Dyer, Chair at 6:30. Celeste made a motion that was seconded by Diane to approve February agenda as amended. Jane and Celeste made motion to accept the February Treasure’s report as written. Walter submitted Otis Library Museum Otis. Walter submitted a letter to the board announcing that he wasn’t going to be running on the ballot for treasurer in the upcoming election and would be stepping down as treasurer of the library effective June 30, 2019.


Kathleen Bort, Library Director submitted the following report:

Ø   ATTENDANCE & CIRCULATION – is increasing

Ø ACQUISITION – In honor of Women’s History Month several new DVD’s were added including Susan B. Anthony, Edith Wharton, Harriet Tubman and Lise Mittener

Ø Ninety – two pairs of pajamas were donated to the Boston Bruins foster care drive! This was a record number. Lois noted that many of the donations were made by so many of our patrons. Susan complimented Lois for the attractive display and Lois credited Kathy for getting the word out.

Ø   During the month of April, food will be collected in lieu of fines. Food will be donated to the Food Bank of in Lee.

Ø 100 vendor letters have been sent out with seven confirmed vendors

Ø Celeste rewrote and Eve edited the annual campaign letter. Celeste read it aloud to the group and all agreed that it was very well written.

Diane remarked that “wonderful things” were going on at the library and thanked Kathy for her Director’s Report.

Unfinished Business:

Ø Otis Library Fair –

  • “Sandy and Sandy” will perform from 11:00 – 1:00 on the day of the fair
  • Kathy will check with Patricia about activities and coordinating with the Rec Center
  • After hearing about food trucks and discussing the feasibility of using them for our fair Diane reminded everyone that Lynn Pyenson had offered to do the food. Susan made a motion which was seconded by Diane to have Diane contact Lynn about doing the fair.

New Business:

Ø Library budget – Diane and Celeste shared our budget with the Finance and Select board. The technology line item was questioned, and Diane was asked to report back to the Technology Committee and elaborate as to why we couldn’t use the town technology technician. Kathy said she would ask John Charrow to describe what he does for the library so that Diane could share this information with the finance board.

Ø Upcoming programs and receptions – Jane will select items for display that feature items about the Knox Trail and 775-1776 to coincide with the special program for preschool and elementary students by author Mary Ames Mitchell on April 18th at 10:00 in library. Kathy will contact Chris Gellar at Farmington River Regional School, Annia Carr will invite her Monday and Tuesday playgroup children to join and Susan will distribute a flyer to all the CHP and Southern Berkshire Kids Playgroup Leaders as well as post flyers in town.

Ø Celeste donated a book entitled Massachusetts Berkshire Court

Ø Trustees were reminded of an upcoming Workshop in Lenox on May 16th from 6:00 to 8:00.

Susan made a motion to adjourn that was seconded by Jim. Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary

Next Meeting: April 11, 2019

Future Meetings: Please don’t schedule speakers on our regularly meeting nights

May 9, 2019

June 13, 2019