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Location:  Otis Town Hall, One North Main Road, Otis – Zoom Meeting


Conservation Commission Members present:  Dave Sarnacki, Bruce Wall (by CC), Domenic Battista, Jeff Laramy.


Conservation Commission Members absent:  Roger Meyer, Jenn Cole.



Staff and others present:  Kristen Brown OCC Admin Secretary; Joe Rogers, GZA.



Opening items/Introduction of Commission members and staff.  Dave opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m., and noted that the meeting is being recorded. The deadline for applications for the 6/20/2023 meeting is on Wednesday June 7, 2023 @ 6:00 PM. The next office hours, for the June 20, 2023 meeting, is on Wednesday June 7, 2023 from 6:00 –9:00 PM. Dave introduced the members of the commission, and asked everyone to turn off/down their cell phones for the duration of the meeting. Dave also noted that this is a make-up meeting for the cancelled 5/16/2023 Meeting.


Minutes:  Dave made a motion to approve minutes from the April 18, 2023 meeting; JL 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes for the April 18, 2023 meeting.



  • Public Hearing – RDA – Submitted by Otis Maintenance Dept, Great Woods Rd., map 11D lot 53, regarding the replenishment of the beach sand w/clean mason sand, above the high-water mark at the Town Beach on Big Pond. Dave opened this hearing and asked if any issues with this project; no issues stated since this is a typical replenishment of beach-sand on Big Pond. Dave made a motion for a -3-determination w/standard conditions. BW 2nd the motion & the Commission voted unanimously to issue a -3-determination w/standard conditions.


  • Public Hearing – RDA – Continued from 5/18/23 Meeting – Submitted by Nancy Spencer, 996 Reservoir Road, map 15C lot 42, regarding the removal of 10 trees & planting of shrubs, within the BZ of OR. Dave opened this hearing and asked if info received from applicant. Per KB – yes, the info has been received: per applicant, the tree that was already removed was on her neighbor’s property, for which they already have an approval; as for the trees to be removed, they are all indeed on applicant’s property and in addition, they will be planting 20 native arborvitae trees to replace the trees. With all that being said, Dave made a motion for a -3 determination with standard conditions; DB 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to issue a -3-determination w/standard conditions.





Enforcement Orders/Letters:


    • Enforcement Order – Tree removal within a protected area w/o prior Permission – Gary Belanger, 20 Pine Road Extension. Enforcement Order issued again to request applicant to attend the next meeting to address the work conducted without permission, and failure to submit proper paperwork as ordered. Applicant was in attendance and indicated that they did indeed submit their RDA – per KB, not received yet; per clarification from applicant, the RDA was left on the desk in the Inspector’s Room, and KB did not see it there, so it was overlooked. Per KB, the RDA has been received and will be processed onto the 6/20/23 meeting agenda.


    • Enforcement Order –Eric Hollander, 52 Drive G, map 18C lot 9, regarding the observed work conducted within jurisdictional areas; NOI was submitted, however, has subsequently been continued as a courtesy for several months, due to non-receipt of the requested documentation, nor attendance of recent meetings. Dave opened this hearing and asked if any communication from applicant – per KB, none to date; Dave made a motion for BW to address this matter with the Town Counsel, for understanding of further options; DB 2nd the motion & the Commission voted unanimously to have BW address this matter with Town Counsel.


Emergency Certifications:

Forest Cutting Plan:

Extensions of Orders of Condition:

Certificate of Compliance Requests:

Unanticipated Business:



Next office hours:  Wednesday, June 7, 2023 from 6-9 p.m. at Otis Town Hall.

Next meeting:  Tuesday, June 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at Otis Town Hall, or Remote via Zoom.


Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 PM. BW 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting.