Select Board Meeting Minutes 10/1/2020

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Select Board Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Oct 01, 2020

4:00 p.m.


*This meeting is being conducted remotely through Zoom. You must check back within 24 hours of the start time for a link to join.

Pursuant to the Governor’s March 12, 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, Sec 18, this meeting is being held via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Every effort is being made to ensure that any member of the public may access the meeting in real time, via technological means. Agendas will be amended to show the link and participation code to access the meeting no sooner than 48 hours before. Recordings and/or draft proceedings of the meeting will be available on our website as soon as possible.


Attendees: Bill Hiller, Gary Thomas, Brandi Page & Derek Poirier


Call to Order




The Board discussed the proposals from two engineering firms for the Reservoir Road culvert. The Board unanimously voted to award the bid to Milone & Macbroom and to begin negotiating a final scope of work and contract.

Derek updated the Board about the run-off on Norton Road. He had consulted with another party that has experience with roads and drainage and it was felt the proposed culvert would successfully handle the run-off. The Highway Dept will install the culvert.


Meeting adjourned




Respectfully submitted by,

Brandi Page

Town Administrator

List of Documents

Design Proposals

Larry Gould Letter