Library Meeting Minutes 04/20/2023

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Otis Library Minutes

April 20, 2023, 6:00 PM

 Otis Library/Zoom


Members present:   Sue Brofman, chair, Jim Adams (Zoom) Tom Burke, Diane Dyer, Susan Ebitz, Lois Hall, Brad Havill, Gloria Mamokhin (Zoom), Donna Rich and Celeste Watman. Absent: Carol Reife

Sue Brofman called the meeting to order at 6:17 PM.

Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made to approve the amended March Minutes was made by Gloria, seconded by Donna and unanimously approved. Celeste made a motion seconded by Diane to approve the minutes of the April 13th special meeting to hire Brad Havill as the Director of the Otis Library. It was unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s reports: Susan E. made a motion, seconded by Donna, to accept March’s Treasurer’s Report. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.

Interim Director’s Report: * See below.

Old/Ongoing Business:

  • Hiring Subcommittee Report: All welcomed Brad Havill to our monthly meeting. Brad will officially begin his work week on Monday, May 15th. Lois Hall, Interim Director, will work with Brad on Monday and Tuesday before the Library opens to the public. Thank you, Lois, and Welcome Brad!
  • Small Library Grant: Sue B. reported that the letter of intent was signed and sent prior to April 28, 2023. The sub-committee (Diane, Donna, Sue & Tom) met with Selectboard Member Terry Gould. Sue B. reported that Terry is very supportive of a new library that is not as large as the one proposed for the Small Library Pilot Project. Terry also wondered if the Board might be interested in considering using Harmony Hall as an extension of the library space which would allow the library the opportunity to solve its space problem earlier than the five-year process of securing a new building would. Sue B. solicited everyone’s input. The Board was very grateful to Terry for her understanding of the current Library’s space limitations and her willingness to support a new building as well as consider other building use. Some of the concerns voiced by board members included whether this option met the needs identified in our focus groups of patrons, town officials and community members. Also considered was staffing two separate buildings, funding for renovations, the physical limitations of Harmony Hall, and concerns that the community might not support this option. The Board agreed to pursue the application for consideration of a Small Library Building Project from MBLC, and not rule out the alternative suggestion at this time. The sub-committee will be meeting with Sen. Paul Mark to discuss other possible funding sources for this project.
  • Friends of the Otis Library: Sue B. reported that the group had a Tax ID # and had filed to become a separate 501c. It has been a long, but worthwhile project. The next meeting of the Friends of the Otis Library is April 26th at 6:30 in the Roosevelt Room of the Otis Library.
  • Strategic Plan: Susan E. reported that the sub-committee has reached out Kristi Chadwick from MBLC to .
  • Jim will write the May article for the Otis Observer and Susan E. will interview Brad for the June issue.
  • StoryWalk – “Grandpa Green”, by Lane Smith, up through May 5th. Susan thanked Jim Ebitz for cutting branches that made the Farmington River Trail path unwalkable.





New Business:

  • A sub-committee was formed to determine a collection policy for the library. Celeste will chair this sub-committee, that includes Carol and Jim. There is room for an additional board member. Brad will also be on this csub-committee.


  • Library Fair – FYI Otis Library Fair: July 8th, 10:00 – 3:00, on calendar
  • Subcommittee Reports
  • Venders – Lois reported 11 with one more coming in this week.
  • Publicity – Gloria will contact the Shopper’s Guide about running the ad for free to compensate for the misprint in our first director’s search ad. Diane designed a flyer that will be edited before distribution.
  • Food – Sue B. reported that Tony will again be willing to making delicious Italian food. It will be billed as “Antonio’s Italian Food. Diane reported that hot dogs would also be available. Diane is researching whether we need a generator.
  • Raffle – Tom will coordinate and approach local Businesses. Jim will solicit Jacob’s Pillow and Bruce’s Hardware. Donna will ask Ken Packie. Trustees and Staff will each donate a bag or basket for the raffle.
  • Family & Children’s Activities Susan and Donna reported that there will be Free Children’s entertainment including performers and artists from BTC Entertainment; “Captain Kraw” performing a Magic Show from 12:30 – 1:30. From 1:30 till 2:30 “Captain Kraw” will be on hand to sculp balloon figures, Kids will also be able to get Glitter tattoos from 11:30 – 1:30 PM. The Pittsfield Police Copsicle truck will be on hand to pass out free popsicles to the kids.
  • Set -up. The Town Hall and Kitchen have been reserved, Police have been called for traffic support, Eric has said that town maintenance will support set-up.
  • Entertainment – we are not going to get separate entertainment because we have children’s activities with entertainment.
  • Clean up – Everyone should be available to participate.
  • A sub-committee was formed to determine a collection policy for the library. Celeste will chair this sub-committee, that includes Carol and Jim. There is room for an additional board member. Brad will also be on this csub-committee.


A motion to adjourn was made by Gloris, seconded by Sue B. It passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Secretary

Next Meeting: May 11,

Future Meetings:  June 8, 2023, Library Fair, July 8th, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM