Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 03/15/2023

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    Otis Cultural Council


     March 15, 2023


This meeting was conducted on Zoom.


  1. Call to Order: 6:13 p.m. Present:  Jeanne Randorf, Carole Burke, Arlene Tolopko, Deb Fogel, Carol Lombardo, Faith Weldon.


  1. Approval of the Minutes of January 18, 2022. Arlene motioned to approve the minutes.  Deb seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.


III.  Chair Report (Jeanne)


  1. Maggie Bragagnolo resigned from the Cultural Council.  She was a nice voice to have on the committee, but was not in Otis enough to make the commitment at this time.
  2. Thank-you messages from grantees: Jeanne received many thank you notes, as well as feedback from Otis residents.
  3. Thinking Spring and Gardeners: Jeanne will be sending out letters of appreciation for their help last year.
  4. End of Zoom Meetings: Massachusetts is requiring zoom meetings to end on March 31, but they may extend the date.
  5. Summer Previews Deadline: Monday, April 24.  Arlene will be sending information to the Berkshire Eagle regarding all summer events.


  1. Financial Update: Shanon was not able to attend the meeting.
  2. We received $1,250 from the Otis recycling fund.
  3. The Finance Committee gave back $3,500 of the $3,800 that the Otis Cultural Council lost last year.


  1. Programs


  1. OPT and Cultural District Designation:  They want the Cultural Council to support them.
  2. Programs Already Scheduled:
  3. FRRES Screen Purchase:  Laurie Flower sent a thank you note for the screen.
  4. Valentine Musical Performance: People loved the music and enjoyed it.
  5. Other Program Information:
  6. Grants for Library Programs (Ed the Wizard)
  7. Pirate Party to Rec Committee/PTS: Jeanne passed this on to them.
  8. Library Friends Group: The Massachusetts Cultural Council said that we are not able to fund this group through the recycling money.  The Otis Cultural Council will not be able to help the library set up this group.


  1. Ken Packie: He’s doing an indoor sculpture of a dragon, the school mascot, which is what the children selected.  An outdoor sculpture is too difficult to maintain.


  1. New Requests:
  2. The seniors are requesting $1,100 from the Cultural Council to bridge the budet gap for their Fitness Resistance Band Party Class. Their money for the program runs out in April, and they will need money for the remaining 11 weeks of the program.  Arlene motioned that we grant their request.  Deb seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.
  3. Library Night Screen-Free May: This program will give parents/students strategies to help improve reading skills.  They are requesting $2,000 for materials and dinner for the group.  Arlene motioned that we supplement whatever they can’t come up with.  Deb seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.
  4. Line Dancing at the Knox Trail Inn: Arlene requested $500 to bring an instructor and DJ for a community dance program at the Knox Trail Inn.  There was a discussion about whether we would be paying for entertainment at the restaurant.  Sue Broffman will write a short letter explaining the purpose, cost, venue, and people involved.  This event will be open to the public at no charge.  Arlene motioned that we grant the request.  Deb seconded, and the motion was approved.


  1. Recycling Program: The Cultural Council received a check for $1,250.


VII.  Meeting Dates:







No October Meeting



The next meeting will be April 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Carole Burke