Finance Board/ Select Board Budget Meeting Minutes 03/19/2019

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Town of Otis

Finance Board/Selectboard Budget Meeting

March 19, 2019


Present:           Don Hawley, Bill Hiller, Gary Thomas, Becky Stone, Terry Gould, Michael Ernst, Walt Engels via cell phone (remote participation), Lisa D’Orazio


Also Present:  Jim Crandall


Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm and is being recorded.

Purpose:          Review Budget proposals for Fiscal Year 2020


Pg 47  #433  Health and Sanitation:  Jim was here to discuss the Transfer Station expenses.  Springfield MRF is raising their prices and the presented budget is expected to cover the additional costs.  Springfield MRF is also talking about adding tipping charges for municipalities.  The budget line for CET should be enough to cover the proposal from Tri-Town Health.  Tri-Town’s proposal is to cover the functions of the now defunct CET.  The WWTP Operator was approved at 5% and the Sanitation Inspector Salary was approved at 5%.  Bill suggested we encumber what is left in the account from FY2019 and Don reminded him that you have to have an outstanding invoice to pay against from FY19 in order to encumber funds.  PASSED at $241,306.08.


Safety Department:  Keith’s writeup for his budget claims he is short-staffed so Don wants him and Jim back in to discuss what he needs.


Pg 36  #422  Highway:  Expenses were previously discussed and are good.  Super approved at 4% for $71,588.94.  The Select Board would like him to get his CDL license back.  All workers were approved at their recommended rates.  PASSED at $393,108.14.


Pg 39  #423  Highway Snow Removal:  Salaries here are a pool for overtime hours.  PASSED at $202,160.00.


Pg 41  #429   Maintenance:  Expenses were previously reviewed and are good.  Super approved at 5%, one person promoted to a new title with more responsibility at the recommended hourly rate, another given additional hours, and other two workers approved at 3%.  Project Coordinator salary approved at 5%.  Seasonal worker approved for 32 hours maximum per week for 15 weeks at recommended budget amount.  PASSED at $367,197.22.


Selectmen’s Secretary position:  Bill recused himself and stepped out of the office.  Don and Gary reviewed the proposed options and received the job description from the Job Classification study.  Gary is not yet ready to discuss what to do with this position so a decision has been tabled.  #122 and #123 SKIPPED as these depend upon a decision on this position.



Accounts still needing approval:


Pg 1    #122  Board of Selectmen:  SKIPPED.

Pg 3    #123  Town Administrator:  SKIPPED.

Pg 26  #210  Police:  SKIPPED.

Pg 58  #610  Library:  SKIPPED – need clarification on Technology line item.

Pg 60  #630  Recreation:  SKIPPED – Programs need to be split out.


The boards still need to meet with Recreation, Police, and Jim, Keith, and Derek to continue discussion of the Safety Department.  Police and Recreation are scheduled for Wednesday March 20, 2019.  Monday March 25, 2019 at 7:00 pm after the All Boards meeting adjourns will be an additional meeting and is posted.



Meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa D’Orazio

Selectmen’s Secretary

Town of Otis


List of Documents


  1. A copy of Bill’s list of departments and who is left to approve will be filed with these meeting minutes.


  1. Becky’s email discussing Capital Expenses, Free Cash, and Stabilization funds will be filed with these meeting minutes.