Assessor’s Office

Contact: Candy Chaffee – Assessors Clerk
Address: One North Main Road, Box 237, Otis, MA 01253
Phone: Clerk: (413) 269-0100 ext. 125


Email: Clerk:


Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., 8:00am – 3:00pm
Meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 2:00 pm.
PLEASE NOTE: Call the Assessor’s Office prior to meeting time to confirm that the Assessors are meeting as scheduled.
LinksBoard MembersInformationAgendasMinutes
Candy ChaffeeSecretary
Heather GrayChair
Jill MoretzMember
William O'BrienMember

The current FY 2023 tax rate is $6.62 per thousand dollars of assessment.

February 1st – Real Estate and Personal Property Abatement Applications are due.

March 1st  –  Form 3 ABC applications for Non-Profit Organizations due in to the Assessor’s Office.

August 31st  –  Last day to file application for Chapter 61 Forest Land.

October 1st  –  Last day to file application for Chapter 61A Agricultural and Chapter 61B Recreational Land exemptions.

October 1st  –  Statutory Exemption Application (elderly, veterans, blind)