Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 04/25/2018

Historical Commission Minutes for April 25, 2018

Present: Diane Provenz, Sonia Morrison, Thom Garvey, Judi Mabee

Absent: Lauretta Harris, Charles Rosenblum


Guest: Bonnie Parsons


Called to order at 5:30 pm

Accepted minutes of March 29,2018 meeting


St. Paul’s Church

No updates from Town attorney or Select Board on title or warrant for town meeting in May.  Discussed if it would be necessary to provide second warrant and how it should be worded.  Some members will be absent for the vote but a majority will be available at the Town meeting to answer questions and explain benefits to the town if we obtain ownership of the church.


Discussed ideas with Bonnie regarding community involvement with a historical district.  Bonnie and Thom will meet to visually assess properties that may have historical significance in Otis Center


Meeting adjourned 7pm.