Board of Finance / Selectboard Minutes 03/22/2016

Town of Otis
Finance Board/Selectboard Budget Meeting
March 22, 2016

Present: Don Hawley, Roberta Sarnacki, Bill Hiller, Chris Morris, Terry Gould, Michael Ernst, Walter Engels, Jim Ebitz, Bob Rosen, Patricia Richard, Kathy Carroll, Ken Pettibone

Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm.
Purpose: Continue reviewing Budget proposals for Fiscal Year 2017

First, the boards met with Jim Ebitz to discuss Otis Rescue Squad Budgets:
#51 Otis Rescue Squad: $163,310.92 was presented to cover wages and insurance. Discussion resulted about “On Call” stipends. Lisa was asked to forward any information she could find on previous discussions of this. The 2014 Form 990 was also discussed. The Select Board requested a breakdown of who we are paying and what we are paying. Budget was approved and breakdown is still required to be submitted.

General Budget discussions continued:
#25 Technology Expenses: A network service contract line item needs to be added in the amount of $3000. This will replace the mileage line item that is no longer being used. This will ensure we have a regular IT connection service to replace Bob Rocke, who has chosen to no longer be available for this service. Re-Approved at $54,000.
#13 Heating/Furnace Expenses: Figures for FY2015 were furnished to both boards. Expenses for the heavy winter the previous year were almost $55,000. Don Hawley recommended we keep the budget for FY2017 at $60,000 to cover the unexpected. Approved at $60,000.
Capital Expenses: The $40,000 requested for paving the Rec Center, Library and Congregational Church parking should be able to come from the Road Improvement line item, so this will be removed from Capital Expenses.

We are now looking at a total proposed budget amount of $5,297,041.42.

Minutes for the March 15, 2016 budget meeting were unanimously approved as written. Michael made the motion and Bill seconded.

The meeting was suspended at 6:55 pm so the regular Select Board meeting could commence.
The meeting was reconvened at 7:28 pm after the last item on the Select Board agenda.

Upon reconvening, both the Select Board and Finance Boards discussed the Recreation Budgets with Bob Rosen, Kathy Carroll, and Patricia Richard:

#88 Recreation Expenses: Bob began by stating the mission statement for the Recreation Department. He then proposed a revised programs budget of $24,064, which included the swim lessons which were originally listed as a separate line item. This is a reduction of $2582 which brings their budget to $25,029 with $965 for memberships included. During discussion it was noted some of the programs Bob felt could be eliminated at the March 8th meeting were still included in this revised budget. Recreation was asked by the Select Board to work on fund raising and adding fees to some of their programs. Walter will bring counts for the memberships. Discussion tabled until the next budget meeting on Monday March 28th at 7:15 pm.

Weight Room usage: Chris Vreeland is meeting with Larry and Jim Crandall to determine if the room can be used for other activities. Recreation will be notified when we know.

Accounts to discuss with Recreation:
#88 Recreation Expenses: Pass over – needs further discussion.
#89 Recreation Salaries: Pass over – needs further discussion.
Capital Expenses

Miscellaneous accounts still undecided:
WWTP Expenses

Another budget meeting was scheduled for Monday April 4th at 6:00 pm if additional meetings were still needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio
Selectmen’s Secretary
Town of Otis

List of Documents

A copy of the revised Recreation Programs budget will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the Technology Service Contract proposal will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the FY2016 and FY2015 Heating/Furnace spreadsheets will be filed with these meeting minutes.
Notes on the February 25,2016 Transfer Station Meeting will be filed with these meeting minutes.