Zoning Board Minutes 02/22/2017

Town of Otis, Massachusetts
February 22, 2017 approved

Meeting held at Otis Town Hall
1 North Main Road, Otis, MA
7:00 pm – 7:05 pm


Agenda item #1 – Review and hear the Special permit application
Case # 2017-01-01 Phillip Cooley
The property is shown on the Otis Assessor’s Map 11, Lot 79-4 located at Becket Road, Otis

ZBA Members: (Present) Therese Gould, chair, James Kauffman, Katherine Couch, Geoffrey Geane, Edward Partyka
ZBA Members: (Absent) Michael Ernst, Al Hurley
Applicant(s): Phillip Cooley
Public Attendees: James Crandall, Mary Crandall, Atty. Richard Vinette, Angelia DuBourg, Thom Garvey, Larry Gould, Killian Dubourg

Meeting at convened at 7:00 pm.


Chairman Therese Gould opened the meeting. This is a continuation of the January 3, 2017, February 7, 2017 and February 15, 2017 meetings.

Read into the record a deed stating the ownership of the land at Map 11, Lot 79-4 located at Becket Road, Otis in now in the name of Angelina DuBuorg and Phillip Cooley. The deed was filed at the Middle District Regitry of Deeds
Atty. Richard Vinette stated that he hopes that the filing of this deed meets the requirements of the Town of Otis by law 6.1 and 6.2. The deed now shows Phillip Cooley as an owner.

Jim Crandall asked if the Title 5 requirements have been met. Is there proof that the trailer’s gray water is pumped on a regular basis? Phil Cooley stated that pumping is done on a monthly basis and would gladly provide the board or building inspector the bills. Ed Partyka stated that it is a requirement under 6.2.2 that septic is an automatic condition in applying for a special permit to maintain a trailer on site.

Jim Kauffman asked what length of time the permit should be granted for due to the fact the first hearing was January 3rd. Terry Gould stated that Phil officially became and owner today and the permit should be effective one year from the 21 day abeyance period which would be March 15th.

Ed stated that this would be a reasonable to have the permit start for the one year period on March 15th. He would like to see that the special permit will expire upon the issuance of the building permit or one year whichever comes first. Geoff Geane agreed with Terry and Ed.




Ed Partyka made the motion to accept the special permit application with the conditions that the special permit will expire upon the issuance of the building permit or one year whichever comes first. Also that the trailer should be placed on the lot within the required setbacks on the Town of Otis by laws. Seconded Geoff Geane the motion, all members voted to grant the special permit.

Agenda item #2 –Update from Building Inspector
Discussion: none

Agenda item #3– Approve minutes from previous meeting
Discussion: Tabled until the next meeting

Agenda item #4 –Mail
Discussion: Nothing to distribute.

Agenda item #5 –Update for next meeting
Discussion: The next scheduled meeting will be Monday, March 6, 2017. Information packets given to the board members.

Agenda item #7– Old/New business
Discussion: Nothing to discuss

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm


Katherine Couch
Clerk Board of Appeals