Technology Committee Meeting Minutes 02/01/2016

Otis Technology Committee
Minutes for Meeting of
February 1, 2016
Otis Town Hall

Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm and is being recorded and a quorum is present.

Present: Larry Gould, Bill Hiller, George Mabee, Lisa D’Orazio
Others Present: Chris Lynch of Matrix Design Group


Approval of Meeting Minutes: The December 1, 2015 Technology meeting minutes were unanimously approved at this meeting.

Discuss Proposed FY2017 Budget: The board reviewed the numbers that Lisa had gathered – Computer Hardware and Computer Software were the two unknowns. The Board unanimously agreed to discontinue the maintenance contract on the Maintenance Dept’s copier due to its age. Larry and Bill will check with Accounting, the Town Collector, and the Town Clerk to determine what their copier and printer needs are. Larry will also update the Computer Inventory list because there are a lot of upgrades that were done that are not reflected on the spreadsheet. Computer Hardware may have printer and/or copier purchases specified for this year. The Board also agreed that Verizon DSL services can be cancelled for Town Hall, but Recreation, Waste Water, Maintenance, and Highway still need theirs.

Approve Proposed Annual Town Report: Lisa presented a draft to the Board. Larry will review and revise it.

WiredWest questions: Bill noted Lisa made an accurate response to the inquiry of a resident but reminded everyone that we should respond with a copy of Chris’ document, which is posted on the website, and keep everything consistent.

Response to New Marlborough: Bill and Larry asked to have them let us know what dates have been scheduled as Otis would be happy to attend.


The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio, recording secretary
Town of Otis Technology Committee



List of Documents

A copy of the current Computer Inventory spreadsheet will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the proposed draft FY2017 Technology Budget will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A draft copy of the 205 Technology Annual Report will be filed with these meeting minutes.
Copies of the Technology budget worksheets supporting the proposed budget will be filed with these meeting minutes.