Selectboard/ Board of Health Meeting Minutes 08/13/2024

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Town of Otis
Selectboard/ Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Town Hall Conference Room
1 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253
Tuesday, Aug 13, 2024, at 6:30 PM

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Topic: Select Board
Time: Aug 13, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 864 8664 9831
Passcode: 196378

Attendance: Gary Thomas-Chair, Larry Southard, Terry Gould, Brandi Page, Lyn O’Brien, B.J. O’Brien, Dana Pustinger, Rick Phair, Phil Magovern, Tammy Weidhaas, Scott Bergeron, Frank Tolopko, Brittany Phair, Stacey Schultze, Bruce Wall, Eric Danforth, Denise Hardie, Sue Ebitz, Chris Bouchard, Derek Poirier, Heather Gray, Chris Tryon, Shawn Tryon, Diane Provenz, Robin Martin, Peter Cameron and Susan Cooper. On Zoom: Melissa Bye & Doug’s Iphone.

Call to Order: 6:30 PM

Approval of Minutes: None.

September Primary: The Primary is coming up on Tuesday Sep 3rd. The Board signed the Election Warrant, reviewed and approved the early voting hours and appointed Brandi as an election worker for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Liquor License: Eric Danforth from Paige’s Place was present on behalf of the liquor license. This will be to allow alcohol during operating hours and when they have events. Abutters were notified and there was discussion about the regulations. They are not having a full service bar. Gary made a motion to approve, Terry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

EMS/ Rescue Squad: Rick Phair was present and had invited Shawn and Chris Tryon from Monterey. The two Fire Departments already work close with one another and they would like to look at how we can partner as we explore the EMS operations. The Board stated the Town does not oversee the EMS operation at this time so they have no authority. They support discussions and exploration of ways to share services and come up with cooperative solutions. The working group meetings will be starting up in September. Brandi asked the Board to consider who will want to participate in those meetings. Rick asked if Monterey can listen in as well.

Appointments: Diane Provenz introduced Peter Cameron and asked that the Board approve his application to be appointed to the Historic commission. Peter spoke about some of his historic initiatives and has been coming to Otis since he was 15. Gary made a motion to appoint Peter as an alternate on the Commission. Larry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Trunk or Treat: Dana said the Rec Commission was looking to confirm the date and time for Trunk or Treat. It will be at the Otis Ridge parking lot and they are thinking Saturday Oct 26th. After some discussion the 26th from 6-8pm was approved. The Ridge will also have the “Haunted Lodge” again this year.

Longevity: Employees are requesting longevity pay be established. It had previously been approved for the Police Department. Brandi provided scenarios for the Board to review. Terry recused herself from the discussion. Derek feels that if one department is benefitting then all the employees should be entitled. The Board wanted more time to review the scenarios. The discussion is continued until the next meeting.

RDA Update: Denise gave an update on the recent happenings at the School Committee meetings. Discussion of the apportionment is ongoing and Stacey Schultze had met with Carl Nett to narrow the focus of the data. The next meeting will be in September. Frank read a statement and said the members of the former RAAC were considering continuing their work for the Board to consider later in the process. Terry felt that the members would better contribute by continuing to go the School Committee meetings and being a part of the discussion. Frank voiced frustration at not being allowed to comment. Larry posed the question and Denise agreed to increase the amount of public comment time. Sue Ebitz thanked everyone, Otis and Sandisfield alike, for the hard work on this amendment.

Space Needs/ Annex: Discussion of moving records down stairs to make the first large room where the Town Clerk currently is available for the Police Department. The Board was good with the plan. We will start working on moving records to the basement. Brandi asked about possibly declaring the annotated law books surplus. The Town Clerk would need to release custody. Diane asked why we don’t keep looking at ways to expand the current Town Hall. Terry reminded her that the Town had previously exhausted those efforts when the building was a school and needed to be expanded. It doesn’t seem worthwhile to hold things up to re-examine this only to come to the same determination.

Recent and Upcoming Events: Steak Roast coming up on August 24th.

Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.

Not Anticipated by the Board: Diane wanted to thank the Sienna’s for their generous donation of land at the rear of the Cultural Center. Diane has been working on this for three years.

Adjournment: 7:54 PM