Selectboard/ Board of Health Meeting Minutes 07/23/2024

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Town of Otis
Selectboard/ Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Town Hall Conference Room
1 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253
Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 6:30 PM

This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Anyone with interest in any specific item should plan in person attendance.

Attendance: Gary Thomas-Chair, Larry Southard, Terry Gould, Cameron Pease, Diane Dyer, Steve Hutchinson, Denise Hardie, Frank Tolopko and Sue Brofman.

Call to Order: 6:30 PM

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from June 25th were approved as amended.

Miner Road: Continued discussion on Audubon’s timeline for demolition of the buildings. Town Counsel advised the Board may not want to declare it unused for ordinary travel if people are still living there and use the road daily. The buildings are to be taken down in 2025. Larry stated for clarification that the current caretakers were the reason for delaying the discontinuance. He wanted to confirm with Audubon that they had no intention of moving in any future caretakers and that when the current family moved out it would coincide with the demolition. Larry made a motion to discontinue maintenance of Miner Road on Dec 31, 2025 or upon demolition of the buildings, whichever occurs first. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Liquor License: The application for 119 South Main Road had not been received yet. Item continued until our next meeting.

Appointments: Peter Cameron put in an application to be considered for an alternate on the Historic Commission. It was noted he is not a resident of Otis. No one was present for the appointment. Continued until our next meeting.

Great Woods Road: Discussion of the cones that are repeatedly placed in the roadway on the way to the Town Beach. The Town put in seasonal speed bumps as promised. Terry had a draft of some possible language for a general bylaw. The Board wants to consult with Jeremia. Discussion to be continued.

Space Needs/ Annex: Discussion of moving records down stairs to make the first large room where the Town Clerk currently is available for the Police Department. The Board was good with the plan. We will start working on moving records to the basement.

Recent and Upcoming Events: School Supply Drive Aug 16th 5-8 & Aug 20th 12-3.

Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.

Not Anticipated by the Board: None.

Adjournment: 7:12 PM