Select Board Meeting Minutes 02/09/2021

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Select Board Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

February 09, 2021

7:00 p.m.


*This meeting is being conducted remotely through Zoom. You must check back within 24 hours of the start time for a link to join.

Pursuant to the Governor’s March 12, 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, Sec 18, this meeting is being held via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Every effort is being made to ensure that any member of the public may access the meeting in real time, via technological means. Agendas will be amended to show the link and participation code to access the meeting no sooner than 48 hours before. Recordings and/or draft proceedings of the meeting will be available on our website as soon as possible.



Attendees: Chair Bill Hiller, Selectmen Larry Southard, Selectmen Gary Thomas, Brandi Page, Heather Morgan, please see addendum for other participants


Call to Order.

7:00 PM


Approval of Select Board Minutes, Jan 26, 2021

Gary Thomas requested a sentence from the minutes under item Community Center Account be removed due to it being a false statement. Larry and Bill agreed to remove the sentence.  The remaining minutes were approved.                                                    


Community Center Account

Gary disagrees with Town Counsel’s opinion. He believes the money was voted on to be used for a Community Center. He referenced the language of the vote used each year to put away $5,000. He said it was intentionally kept vague as there were a few ideas floating around at the time. Now that it is proposed St. Paul’s will have “Otis Community Center” in the title Gary feels it’s appropriate to use the money toward this project. Terry Gould mentioned she didn’t think the town voted on St. Paul’s church being used as a Community Center.  Diane spoke about the deed transfer and would like to look back at the town meeting minutes.  Diane also expressed this money would be very beneficial the Otis Preservation Trust’s fundraising and helping to bridge the gap for the matching funds.  Bill Hiller believes the town’s people should vote on what the funds from the Community Center account should be used for at Town Meeting.  Larry Southard feels it should be tabled until another meeting to give the Selectmen time to look over the documentation.  All agreed to table the discussion until a future meeting.


Joint Budget Meeting Schedule

The Joint budget meetings to draft our FY22 budget are scheduled every Thursday at 6:00 pm from February 11th – March 25th. All agreed.


Open Meeting Law Complaint

Bill spoke to acknowledge the Open Meeting Law complaint that was filed for the Jan 26th meeting. People not being able to join due to the participant cap on the Town’s Zoom account was felt to be a violation. The Town has since upgraded its account to hold 500 participants and has drafted a response to the Attorney General’s Office and the filer. The Board agreed they were good with the response. Larry Southard, as a private citizen of Otis, spoke and responded to the rude comments that were made at the last meeting by some of the meeting’s audience.


Review and Approval of Warrants.



Any topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair at the time of the original posting.







Respectfully submitted by,

Heather Morgan

Selectmen Secretary, Town of Otis



List of Documents

Open Meeting Law Complaint

List of Meeting Attendees

Attendees of the February 9th Selectmen’s Meeting Heather Morgan

Shari Lamanna

Edward Herbst

Tim Nardi (Tim)

Bonnie Peel

Kait Gallup


Lynn Vedovato

Glenn Greenough


Kathryn Zimmerman (Kathryn)

Suzanne Smiley

Betsy Gallup

Brandi Page

Gina Placek

Karen Robb

Janna Deveny

Annie Farson

Elaine & Dan Hunter

Donna’s iPad


Pam Henry

Ralph Huber

Phil Magovern

Irene Gilman


Cathy Cleaveland

Fred Ryon

Jill Sweeney

Kelly Taylor

Mark Lamanna

Michael Ian

Lauren Tacke-Cushing

William Hiller

Lauren Harrison

Donna Salwocki (Zoom user)


Cynthia Gaylord

Alanna Harrison

Irene Gilman

Jim Henry

Paige McCullough

Heidi Johnstone

Larry Southard

Jessica Paddock


Michael Failla

Debra Ann Pollack# MD

Patricia Rizzo

John Weldon

Doreen Hoddinott

Flo Magovern

William Sturges

Larry Gould

Kait Gallup

Terry Smith

iPhone Larry

Patricia Rizzo

Alanna Magovern Regester (Nicholas Regester)

Therese’s iPad

Will Salwocki

Jeffrey Harrison

Rick Lawlor

Christophe Pichard (Christophe)

Jim Rider

Jeffrey Dressler (jeff)

[email protected]

James R. Adams


katherine wippert

Susan Lopatkin

Suzanne Bauer


Don Goss

Christine Lawlor

Donna Thomas

Frank Tolopko

Jim Rider

Aaron Sturges

Daniel Wollman


Kathleen Duffy



Erika Nardi

Debra Ann Pollack# MD

Janna Deveny

Brian O’Donnell

Liz Nardi

Jeff Tacke

John Cox

David Vogel

Mary Ann Buchanan# Ed.D.


Pattie Hallberg


The Thomas’s

Teresa O# MD


Jeff Fligelman

Joe Mama


Frank Rizzo


No cell tower!

Georgia Massucco


Lyn Obrien

Kathryn Nash Nash’s iPhone

Ian Lennard

Tyler Weldon – CDOT
