School Committee Minutes 04/11/2016

Farmington River Regional School District
Farmington River Elementary School
555 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253
Monday April 11, 2016 – 7:00 PM
Meeting #335

Members Present: Nick DellaGiustina, Jessica Drenga, Alicia Dunaj, Carol Lombardo, Arlene Tolopko, Tom Nadolny, Jane Gleason, JoAnn Austin, and Teresa DellaGiustina

Absent: John Skrip

Guests: None

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by the chair, Alicia Dunaj.

Approval of Minutes of Meeting #334: The Minutes of Meeting #334 were unanimously approved as submitted. Motioned by Carol Lombardo, Seconded by Jess Drenga.

Presentation of the annual district audit by John Polumbo: John presented the latest audit that was performed for the year ending June 2015. John explained how an audit works and the type of information they look for to conduct the audits. Overall Jane has been doing a wonderful job handling the finances. A few advisements have been made and are already in place to improve checks and balances of the budget. A copy of the audit is filed at the school.
Continuation of discussion and revision of Public Participation Policy—VOTE REQUIRED. Motioned by Jess, seconded by Carol to keep the policy as written….voted yes unanimously.
Update on SBRSD/FRRSD Joint Planning Meeting on March 21, 2016. The members of the subgroup that attended this meeting were very impressed with the school and what the school has to offer. The programing offered is very stimulating. Even though there are many extracurricular activities for the students, test scores are impressive. So there is a good balance in place. Their only concern is still the busing issue. The amount of time the students would have to ride the bus to and from school is the only concern. The group would like to set up a date and time for parents and students to visit the school to make suggestions or opinions on whether they would be interested in attending SBRSD.
Discussion to explore possible interest in a tuition agreement with SBRSD. Motioned by Nick DellaGiustina, seconded by Alicia Dunaj to look into a tuition agreement with SBRSD rather than a merger. A vote was conducted and passed unanimously.
Motion: To go into Executive Session for the following purposes and to reconvene in open session for the purpose of adjournment only: Moved by Alicia Dunaj, seconded by Carol Lombardo. To conduct strategy sessions for negotiations with nonunion personnel
Roll Call Vote Required
Alicia Dunaj—yes Jessica Drenga—yes Arlene Tolopko—yes
Nick DellaGiustina—yes Carol Lombardo—yes Sandra Snyder—yes
Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 8:30pm. Motioned by Alicia Dunaj, seconded by Carol Lombardo. Voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Teresa DellaGiustina, secretary