School Committee Meeting Minutes 07/05/2017

Farmington River Regional School District

Farmington River Elementary School

555 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253

Wednesday July 5, 2017

Minutes #350


Members Present:  Nicholas DellaGiustina, Jessica Drenga, Hillary Howard, Carol Lombardo, Billie Anderson-Pachulski, John Skrip, Arlene Tolopko, Tom Nadolny


Absent:  Jane Gleason


Guests:  none


Call to order:  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Nicholas DellaGiustina, chair.  Nick then turned the meeting over to Thomas Nadolny for reorganization of the Committee.


Reorganization of the School Committee:  John Skrip nominated Nick DellaGiustina as chair.  The vote was unanimous to accept Nick as chair.  Nick then nominated Jess Drenga as vice chair.  The vote was unanimous to accept Jess as vice chair.  The meeting was then turned over from Tom Nadolny to Nick DellaGiustina.


Approval of Minutes:  Both the June minutes and the June Executive minutes were accepted as submitted.


Principal/Supterintendent monthly updates:  Mr. Nadolny stated and welcomed Jeff Gray back.  Jeff had surgery and is recovering well and is back supervising the summer cleaning crew.  They are ahead of schedule and doing a great job.


A new tiled cafeteria floor is being installed over the summer.  That will begin in July once school is out.


Nannette Higgins who subbed for the Pre School class when Teri Scott retired is now officially the new Pre School teacher.  She is highly qualified and has great experience for that position.


School Committee to vote on Blizzard Bags:  The School Committee, after hearing extensive research from Tom, unanimously passed a pilot program for the use of Blizzard Bags for snow days.  This will allow students to do a day’s worth of school work at home on a snow day and it wouldn’t count as a day off.


Discuss Early Kindergarten:  This topic will be discussed at next month’s meeting.


Adjournment:  Carol motioned to adjourn the meeting, Arlene seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M.


Respectfully Submitted



Teresa DellaGiustina, Assistant to the Superintendent

