School Committee Meeting Agenda 07/15/2024

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Farmington River Regional School District
School Committee Meeting

Agenda #452

Farmington River Elementary School Library
Monday, July 15, 2024
6:00 PM
Masks Optional
Click to Join Via Zoom*

1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment
3. Review of Minutes
4. Subcommittees
I. Membership Review
II. Chair/Vice Chair
5. RDA Discussion – Topic: Cost Apportionment
a. Resource document (in packet)
b. Review criteria from 5/6
c. Review/discuss three apportionment options
d. Timeline/next steps of regional agreement work
6. Public Comment
7. Suggested items for future agendas
a. Reschedule September meeting
b. Future Meeting for District Improvement Planning
8. Adjournment