Recreation Commission
Wednesday December 11, 2024 @ 6:30 PM
Otis Town Hall, 1 North Main Road
1. Call to order & Introductions.
a. Meeting called to order at 6:34 P.M
b. Board Members Present: Dana Pustinger, Kelly Kennedy and Wendy Peterson
c. Board Members Absent: Robin Martin and Michael Cohen.
d. Others Present: None
2. Review and approval of prior meeting(s) minutes. Approved prior 11/13/24 meeting minutes unanimously.
3. Accounting.
a. FY25 Budget balance –
b. FY26 Budget requests – will submit request to keep same as 2025.
4. Programs/Events.
a. Funz Trampoline Park jump pass – no update
b. Pickleball – Request to approve purchase of 2 replacement pickleball nets. Unanimous approval, will email other members to get their approval. Discussion on how to submit Capital Expense request for expanding Skateboard park to include Pickleball courts. Dana will contact a few people/companies from names given by Joe D for advice on where to start on how to get quotes.
c. Gingerbread House – Event is being held 12/151 session at 11am. Waiting on purchases made through Amazon – hoping they come in time. If they don’t, Dana will purchase at Big Y. Also waiting on Gingerbread House lawn signs that were ordered – hopefully those will come in on time as well. 43 houses with 83 people signed up. Next year, will have 2 sessions.
5. Memos – none
6. Old Business – none
7. New Business – none
8. Set the next meeting date. Thursday January 16th @ 6:30
9. Adjourn. 7:10 pm