Recreation Commission
Thursday November 13, 2024 @ 6:30 PM
Otis Town Hall, 1 North Main Road
1. Call to order & Introductions.
a. Meeting called to order at 6:35 P.M
b. Board Members Present: Dana Pustinger, Robin Martin, Wendy Peterson, and Michael Cohen.
c. Board Members Absent: Kelly Kennedy
d. Others Present: None
2. Review and approval of prior meeting(s) minutes. Approved prior 10/24/24 meeting minutes unanimously.
3. Accounting.
a. FY25 Budget balance – Only Trunk or Treat purchases to come out that are not listed on balance sheet. Kelly needs to submit invoices for Trunk or Treat signs.
4. Programs/Events.
a. Funz Trampoline Park jump pass – no update
b. Pickleball – Request to approve purchase of set of Pickleballs for players to use. Unanimous approval of purchasing 1 12 pack of balls.
c. Trunk or Treat – October 26, 6-8 pm. 4 pm set up. Less signups this year- multiple regular people away this year. Multiple kids came around 2-.3 times to the trunks and in the haunted house. Will brainstorm on how to avoid this – a couple trunks ran out of candy due to this. 125-150 people came out for the event. Michael will check to make sure light tower has been removed. Everyone enjoyed the patio heaters during Trunk or Treat. Need to recruit people to volunteer for haunted lodge. Need to advertise earlier next year.
d. Gingerbread House – Town Hall is reserved for Saturday 12/14/24 for set up and Sunday, 12/15/24 11 am. 1 session. 6 families signed up already. Will add another session if needed. We have some leftovers from last year that haven’t expired to use. Dana will email Heather to order more supplies we need from Amazon. Dana will make additional purchases at Big Y with town card. Wendy will pick up tablecloths for round tables. Dana will check how much hot cocoa is left. We will have hot cocoa and cookies during the event this year. Robin will make 5 more copies of Gingerbread House flyer and put at the stores in town to advertise. Will have Kelly order Gingerbread House lawn signs without a date to put up. Will see if there are holiday arts and crafts at Harmony Hall to put on a table for kids during the event.
5. Memos – none
6. Old Business – none
7. New Business – none
8. Set the next meeting date. Wednesday December 11th @ 6:30
9. Adjourn. 7:25 pm