Recreation Commission Meeting Agenda 09/26/2024

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Recreation Commission
Thursday September 26, 2024 @ 6:30PM
Otis Town Hall, 1 North Main Road


This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice.
Members of the public are welcome to attend.

1. Call to order & Introductions.

2. Review and approval of prior meeting(s) minutes.

3. Accounting.
a. FY24 Budget balance

b. FY25 Budget

4. Programs/Events.
i. Funz Trampoline Park jump pass update.

ii. Pickleball update

a. Review discussion and outcome about pickleball in skate park from 9/24/24 meeting with selectboard

iii. Trunk or Treat
a. To be held 10/26/24 6-8 pm, set up beginning at 4pm

b. Otis Ridge decorating for haunted lodge – Sign up genius?

c. Sign up genius for trunk registrations and lodge decorating to be posted on Facebook page

d. Recreation Committee purchases to be made for treats and decorations

e. Email DOT to borrow tower light again – Dana has emailed
f. Judges for trunk contest – are Louise and Janet willing again?
g. Dana to email Otis PD for involvement for detail and providing trunk costume prizes again – have given $25 gift cards to top 3 prizes in past

5. Memos.

6. Old Business.

7. New Business.
a. New committee member

8. Set the next meeting date.

9. Adjourn.