Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 21, 2024
Call to order 7:03 PM
1. Roll Call:
Mark Anthony – Chair
Hal Kobrin
Ross Knowles
2. Approval of August 12, 2024 minutes
Ross motion to accept, Hal second, all in favor.
3. Approval of September 9, 2024
Ross motion to accept, Hal second, all in favor.
4. Review of General Bylaw: Obstruction of Road or Public Way
Asked Police Department and Highway Department to come to the Planning Board meeting tonight and they could not make it.
-How will this be enforced what is the need for this?
-Will reach out to the Police and Highway Departments again to ask what it is about?
-Why are they doing this and what do they need from the planning board
Hal, why is this going through the Planning Board, Select Board should be able to approve and submit bylaws without Planning
Ross, what are they looking for from the Planning Board
Ross, what about traffic cones put out to slow traffic but does not block traffic
Mark, who will be enforcing this and how, is this now already a law
5. Review of Accessory Dwelling Unit
How does this relate to the Short Term Rental Bylaws
Would like to have other board members here and give everyone a chance to read the document
6. Continue discussion on fees
Hal, not a money maker cost is just to cover processing fees
Ross, maybe move each up $10
Public Notice and mailing fees should be reimbursed by applicant
Hal made amotion to raise Form A, Form B, and From C per lot cost to be raised $10 and add a base fee of $200 for a From C, Ross second, all in favor.
7. Any other business old or new.
8. Mark motion to adjourn 7:47 PM. Hal Second. All in favor.