Planning Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024

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Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes November 18, 2024

Call to order 7:00 PM

• Roll Call:
Mark Anthony – Chair
Hal Kobrin
Barb Gallagher
Ross Knowles

• Approval of October 21, 2024 minutes
Hal motion to accept, Hal second, all in favor.

• Form A: 82 Beaver Hill Road
Boundary lines not previously well established, deed was not well marked and language was vague
Comment from Planning Board, needs permission/approval from other party, the Home Owner Association. Need a written legal agreement signed by both parties agreeing to the proposed plan.

• Discussion on proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendments
Lyn Obrien, Town Clerk wants to come to December meeting to walk us through these changes. Bylaws are being updated to be searchable online and bylaws will be re numbered and some language updated.
Will have Public Hearing at December meeting.

• Continued Review of General Bylaw submitted by Select Board: Obstruction of Road or Public Way
Mark spoke with Brandi on purpose of this bylaw, origin on road to town beach and people speeding down the road, people have been putting cones and flags in the road to slow people down but it is obstructing traffic and causing cars to go into other side of road, there is a ticketing mechanism in place and they want a bylaw in place to enforce it
Road is narrow, cones in road is causing people to drive out of road into people’s lawns
Many roads have cones on them to slow traffic. Need more discussion with the Police Department on other options to solve this specific issue rather than adding extra rules and regulations. Ask Police Department if we have done any traffic enforcement on that street.
Continue discussion to January meeting and ask Police Department and Highway Department to come to the meeting to discuss.

• Continued Review of Accessory Dwelling Unit section of Act No. 4977 relative to the Affordable Homes Act
Page 75-79 defines accessory dwelling units, need to think about how that portion of it relates to STR bylaw. Will discuss this again in January.
Comment from Stacy, thinks there should be more than just STR when considering ADU, as it stands right now can have multiple ADUs on single property, will need to include restrictions and permit requirements to the bylaws. Not resticted by special permit automatically need to specify that if we want it restricted by special permit. Some STR that are classified as ADU, could be some clarity for existing ADUs how will we navigate the existing ones.

Mark some of our bylaws may currently be in conflict with this new laws.

Hal, way the laws are written now the town will have to write ADU bylaw, once state is done fine tuning things and defining things. Town will need to define ADU bylaws and what town regulations and zoning requirements are in line with this state law.

Stacy comment, might want to specify how many ADUs are allowed before it becomes a subdivision. If they are sharing water and septic.

Hal, unlikely people will be sharing septic systems and shared water supplies would become public water supplies anyway and is regulated, need to specify in building permit.

• Discussion on grant opportunities for updating Master Plan
State set up portal for funding opportunities. Many different grant programs out there. If money is available, we should be updating our Master Plan. Build upon existing plan, what have we achieved, what is left to do, what is next.
BRPC has told us it will cost about $35,000.
Would like to focus on municipal assets, needs and uses.
Will be a committee formed to put it all together with Select Board Member, Planning Board member, members of the public.

Mark, will any grants need matched funding from the town. Select Board did not give support to updating the master plan the last time it was brought to them.

Hal, this is the number one charge we have as the Planning Board. As a board we must move forward, we need to update plan since it is getting old. We will not get funding with an outdated plan.

Mark, do not want to put in all this work for the town to not support it.

Stacey, is there a reason why there is not support from the town for the master plan. Plan talks about many of the things we have done already. We are well outdated in aligning our town goals. Decarbonization is not included anywhere and that is required. BRPC is Berkshire based planning agency. State and Federal funds available.

Mark, we should put together some talking points to talk to Select Board on what we need to do and why we need to do it before we put in all the work.

Hal, we need to update master plan it is a vital document for the town. Takes a long time to prepare and get input from the town.

Mark, does not want to move forward without approval from Select Board

Hal, this is the Planning Boards responsibility.

Stacey, towns demographics have changed drastically since plan was written. Home prices alone have changed drastically. Go through bullet points and see why we need to update master plan.

Mark, Master Plan is currently silent on building usage.

Hal, need to involve experts and public input on what is needed and what the town wants. Unify the town to move the town forward. Federal and State agencies want to see current updated paster plan when giving funding.

Stacey, could improve communication between boards and work on bringing together multiple funding sources to cover specific plans.

• Any other business old or new.

• Mark motion to adjourn 8:30 PM. Hal Second. All in favor.