Planning Board Meeting Minutes 12/13/2021

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Otis Planning Board Minutes,  December 13 2021


Present: Hal Kobrin, Jen Daily, Rona Knight, Jim Kaufman, Larry Gould, Teresa Gould, Annette Lilly


The Planning Board session started at 7:01


There was a motion to elect Jen Daily as Planning Board co-chair. Motion unanimously passed.

Rona will ask Brandi for an application for Heather as Planning Board clerk.

Jen suggested that she and Larry and Hal get together to work on the completion of the tower bylaws to next be discussed at the February meeting.

Current grant update: The Complete Streets application is done and Otis has been granted money for the initial work. Rona will ask the Selectboard to appoint a selectperson or Brandi to the TAC at BRPC.

The HMV Process is moving very slowly but the Planning board is working on it.

The was a motion to adjourn Motion unanimously approved and the Board was adjourned at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Rona Knight